“How’s that?”
“You need to drop that ass more. Go to a club.”
Ilift my chin. “Go with me. Make sure I hit grass with my ass.”
He blinks a few times, his lips parting, and I hate that the thought of his lips being very kissable crosses me mind.
But if I want to try to make him regret the bullying remarks he’s made… I don’t care if it’s in the name of motivation. He shouldn’t be saying that shit to me or to anyone else.
So I decide to lean into my lust for him. It almost feels good to flirt, to try to knock him off balance.
“You can watch me shake my ass too. That has to help burn calories, right? Bouncing up and down.” As I say this last part, I move my fist slightly, mimicking stroking a particular body part.
“Oh, so you do know my name,” I say mockingly, my eyes widening with fake shock. “Afraid I’ll out-dance you?”
“Not on your life.”
“I might be a bigger girl, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have moves, and maybe a bit of cardio—”
“I don’t deal with cardio.”
I snort. “Sure you don’t. You can’t tell me you don’t have sex.”
He eyes me. “Not with clients.”
“Got it. Never with clients. Not once.” I side-eye him. “Right?”
“Never,” he snaps.
“So you are an ass to them to get them to quit and then take them out for an apology dinner and then bring them home for sex. Gotcha.”
A muscle in his throat jumps.
I’m going a bit too far, and I bite my lower lip. “I’m sorry,” I murmur. “I didn’t mean to make things awkward. Or inappropriate.”
“Sure you didn’t. I know what’s on your mind. You want to change your number so you can change the number of the guys you’re with.”
“Who says that the number of guys I’ve been with hasn’t been a good number already?”
“You said you want to look good naked.”
“Cardio won’t do that for you.”
“Maybe not cardio alone. I don’t go to clubs alone.”
“Go with friends.”
At least he didn’t make a comment that suggests I don’t have any.
“They might like the exercise too,” he adds.
And there it is.