Fizzing sparks shot through me as he smiled, just for a second. It was enough to give me a burst of energy.
Pressing my hands under the witch's ribs, I used the little energy I had and shunted her off me. She flew back, landing heavily against a tree.
The sound of fighting was all around me as I crawled up on one knee. The helicopter's propellers sent leaves and debris flying around, blurring my vision as I searched for my mate.
Several werewolves were still fighting, while others were subdued on the ground. My legs shook as I tried to push up onto my feet, but my knees were too weak, so I tripped back down.
A wolf jumped on one of Jeremy's men, knocking him over and revealing Killick. My insides quivered as he faced Jeremy, circling him as the war raged on around them. Killick's energy was barely keeping us alive. I was too weak to help, too useless to fight.
As they launched at one another, I gasped, feeling the impact of Jeremy's fist on my cheek, even though it hadn't touched me. Killick stumbled, his legs buckling slightly before he righted himself. He was weakening because of the spell, because of me.
Jeremy launched again and they fell to the dirt, wrestling to gain the upper hand. Killick punched Jeremy in the chin, knocking his head back. The alpha's celebratory yelp was short lived as Jeremy bounced up and swiped his extended claws across Killick's cheek.
I cried out and grasped my cheek, feeling the last of my energy drain. My arms shook uncontrollably and I slumped down, laying on my side.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, watching Jeremy get the upper hand by shoving Killick and pinning him across the chest.
My love struggled, shunting and pushing against his enemy, but his energy was floundering. Just like mine. It was time to break the bond that was going to get us both killed.
Reaching out a hand, I breathed deeply twice and whispered a pray to the wolf spirit. "Please, let him live and love."
My arm fell as I released the last of my life-force, willing it back into Killick. My chest ceased to move as my vision started to fade.
Killick surged up and grabbed Jeremy, throwing him so hard, he smashed into a tree and collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
A tiny spark of happiness spread throughout my being, engulfing me as the blackness took my vision completely.
"Larissa!" His last word was distant and full of apprehension, and yet, all I heard was the affection. He was as into me as I was him.
A sudden gasp shot through me, rocking my body so hard, I sat bolt upright, headbutting my alpha straight in the nose. He grabbed me as I thrashed around, trying to assimilate the life-force that slammed back into my body.
"Shit!" I gasped at the same time as him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, batting my hand away when I went to wipe the blood from under his nose.
Blinking, I glanced to the right, where Caleb held the witch at gunpoint. She held her head and glowered, clearly pissed that her master had failed.
"I'm okay," I whispered, huffing air into my lungs. "Just... shocked to be alive."
Laughing, Killick pulled me to him and rested his forehead on mine. "You scared the shit out of me."
Staring into his light eyes, I held my breath again, welcoming the connection that sparked between us. A coolness resonated in my chest where his life-force had been, but that only brought us closer together.
"I'm sorry for going against you," I muttered, ducking my head. "I'm a terrible alpha's mate."
A small laugh burst from his chest, shocking me enough to look up at him. "I knew exactly what you'd do."
"You did?"
Nodding, he knocked the wig off my head and smiled. "You love your sister too much to risk her life. Everything you did helped me to win. Jeremy will stand trial."
"I thought you were too weak." Clinging to his hand, I watched as the scratches on his cheek healed, leaving a smear of bright red blood.
"Caleb was always going to get the witch. Still..." Leaning down, he caught his bottom lip in his teeth. " saved me."
Kissing him back, I wound my arms around his neck.