My stomach rolled as I saw that many pairs of eyes had been watching us. No doubt baffled by our closeness. It wouldn't take long for them to smell our entwined scent. How would they feel about the alpha bonding with the likes of me?
As Killick joined his friend, he paused, said something under his breath and then carried on, going onto the patio.
I dragged my feet as I made my way over, keeping my gaze down in order to avoid curious stares as I slunk to the back of the gathered crowd. If I'd truly been Killick's mate, I would've had to stand beside him, right at the front. It somehow felt wrong to do that when he would be telling Nyla's side of the story.
My gaze sought him where he stood with his friends either side of him. Caleb and Orson had quickly become the alpha's right hand men.
I hadn't been at the coronation ceremony so I didn't have a clue who had sworn to protect him, but judging by their stance, he'd chosen them both to be his protectors.
"My family," Killick said, his strong voice filtering to us without the need to raise it. "We have found Nyla Melody and she’s still alive."
There were glances and whispers as each person processed the news. I tuned them out, keeping my gaze glued to Killick as he went on, explaining most of the story. When he left out Jeremy's parentage, I held my breath in panic.
"There is a reason that Jeremy has made me his enemy." Killick's tone was even, professional. His thick shoulders were high and his expression clear of emotion.
The crowd of twenty or so pack members waited patiently as their alpha built the suspense. They were only a handful of the pack, chosen insiders and council members of the alpha. They lived at the headquarters, helping to run the pack. The others, like me, lived a fairly normal life in the town of Cheddar.
"He told Nyla that he was Miranda's son."
Gasps resounded, echoing around the gathering. I was almost tempted to glance up at Nyla's bedroom to see if she was spying, but I resisted, not wanting to bring her that attention if she had managed to move to the window.
My emotions swirled as the group shuffled on their feet, muttering and murmuring. My palms were slick and my stomach weak. I just wanted the night to be over.
Killick raised his head even higher and the group quietened down.
"When Nyla confirmed Jeremy's claim, he kidnapped, abused and used her, forcing her to entice my mother to them."
"Who is this Jeremy's father?" one of Phileas’ bodyguards asked, his hands clenched into fists.
My heartbeat pounded loudly in my ears as we waited in pained silence.
"I don't know," Killick admitted, "I don't recognise the name on his birth certificate. That's something we'll investigate together. In the meantime, Jeremy is claiming that he's heir to the Twilight Moon Pack."
Several people scoffed, including me. Having met the man, I knew he wasn't alpha material. In fact, he deserved to be an outcast, a packless werewolf.
A frown tugged my forehead as I listened to the others. Why would the Dusk Moon Pack support Jeremy if he wanted to be alpha of another pack?
Clearing his throat, Killick clenched his hands into fists. The others went quiet, each one of them thrumming with an angry energy.
"We will deal with this Jeremy, " Killick said, his scowl deepening, "in the only way any alpha deals with a threat to his leadership."
Cat calling and shouting arose around me, loud in my ears. Nerves gripped me as I lost sight of Killick in the shuffling of excited men and women. A pack always sought to quash an attack advance as quickly as possible. It wasn't possible to indulge in pack wars like they did in the old ways.
"Now," Killick shouted, "I've briefly read the messages between Jeremy and Nyla and believe her story. We need to decide, as a group, what to do about her future in our pack. I..." Finding me through the crowd as easily as you would a mate, Killick licked his lips. "...have a complication that makes it impossible for me to decide myself. They'll be a show of hands and that'll be the final decision."
All eyes turned to stare at me. I swallowed, tempted to shrink under the scrutiny. Instead, I looked at Killick and raised my head, almost putting my nose in the air. It was better to appear haughty than weak. If, by some miracle, Killick and I decided to make a go of our mating bond, I would have to earn the pack's respect.
Caleb stepped forward, drawing the attention away from me.
"Those who believe Nyla should stand trial, raise your hands."
A couple of members of the older generation lifted their arms. I cringed inside, sad that there were people who didn't believe her innocent.
"And," Caleb went on, "those of you who accept the truth of Nyla's claims, meaning she'll be absolved of all malice and free to remain in the pack, raise your hands."
Everyone else voted, their hands rising in unison. I kept my own hand down, knowing full well that I wasn't entitled to vote considering I had a personal interest in the outcome.
Opening my mouth slightly, I released my pent up breath and relaxed my shoulders. My fingernails had left dents in my palms where I'd clenched them tightly.