Page 24 of Her Wolf's Demands

I stared up at the alpha as he stepped closer, his hulking frame towering above me. My hair tickled my back, brushing against the bare strip of skin between my jeans and crop top. His intensity engulfed me, forcing me to feel everything.

“No,” I whispered, slowly moving my head from side to side, “I don’t have an ex.”

His shoulders relaxed as his tongue flicked out to lick his lips. His heady scent of male and pine slipped up my nose, sending heat between my legs, right where he had been – multiple times – the night before.

“Good.” The dark cloud covering his face lifted as he nodded at my phone. “Better contact him then.”

Blinking, I stared at the phone, confused by his whiplash behaviour. I knew the alpha was a moody contradiction, broody and sexy, but had he seriously just cut his hand on a tree because I’d teased him about an old crush?

Did he not realise I could bring up Rochelle, the woman he’d been sleeping with before I’d come along?

My stomach twisted, the realisation sinking in. He was still hanging around her, destined to lead her for the rest of her life.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, his tone tight.

Narrowing my gaze on him, I tried to contain the burst of jealousy that was slowly spreading through my body, tensing my muscles. “One word. Rochelle.”

His slow blink was followed by the duck of his head as a sheepish smile lingered on his lips for a second. “It’s in the past.”


My knotted insides drove my insecurities to a new level. I had never been one to be confident in my looks or self-esteem. However, I’d also not allowed myself to get close to a man in a way that would trigger my insecurities.

Rochelle was a gorgeous and powerful she-wolf who had no problem letting everyone know her feelings. She had been in love with Malone before I’d come along and ruined it. Had they discussed it since I’d arrived? Had they been alone?

Oh shit, I had no right criticising him for his jealousy when I was now a raging mess inside, barely holding on to the temper that simmered beneath my skin.

To distract myself, I added Fredrick as a friend and sent him a message, asking how he was and where he was based. I hadn’t seen him around the coven for a few years. Rumours about him leaving had reached me, but I’d been too busy running my shop to take notice.

“There,” I muttered, putting my phone away. “Done. I’m starving.”

Without waiting for Malone to answer, I spun away and almost bumped straight into Manual. I’d forgotten he stood there, watching us closely as our own jealously raged within.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, smiling when he caught the top of my arms and righted me.

Malone’s growl made Manual drop his hands and indicate that I go before him. I strode away, determined to put distance between us. Let the men talk amongst themselves. Malone should boast that he had two women vying for his attention. Ugh.

A growl rose in my own throat as I emerged into the camp, shocking me out of my brooding. Hopefully Fredrick would get back to me soon. It would be nice to have an ally. Although, it was a risk, considering Ertha would have let the coven know how desperately she wanted my head on a platter.

“Della!” Emiliah appeared beside me, a smile on her face. “How are you doing?”

In the distance, Rochelle came out of her cabin. Her hair was tied high on the top of her head and make-up winged her eyes, making them pop. She really was a stunning wolf.

A surge of heat, not the good kind, burnt my nerves as I headed towards Malone’s cabin. See? I didn’t even have a place of my own. I was the alpha’s bitch witch, there for his every whim. Just like Rochelle had been only weeks before. Would I be that disposable?

My steps faltered as Emiliah took my wrist, her warm touch calming me.

The sudden realisation of the core of my fear filtered into my mind. I was afraid that Malone would grow tired and abandon me, just like everyone else.

Dropping my gaze from Rochelle, who jogged off her porch and disappeared into the woods, I swallowed the rising emotion that threatened to close my throat.

“I’m sorry,” I said to Emiliah, lifting my gaze to smile apologetically. “I’m a little shaken.”

A tear plopped from my eye, landing on my hand. The other woman tilted her head to the side, her eyebrows pulling low over her kind dark brown eyes. Her gorgeous ringlets were braided, pulled away from her face. It showed off her high cheekbones and flawless complexion.

“Come.” She pulled on my wrist, gesturing to the cabin next to Malone’s. “Let’s go and have some lunch.”

The promise of food set my feet in motion. I followed her into the cabin, unsure of why she hadn’t taken me to hers. Oh, wait, it was because Lionel hated my guts.