Page 17 of Her Wolf's Demands

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly, interrupting his oncoming rant.

“Where are you?” His tone was strained. “You’re safe, I presume?”

His voice was like honey, sliding over my skin and making me sticky in all the right places.

Clearing my throat, I smiled to myself. “Yes, I’m safe. I’m sorting a few things before I return. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“I don’t like it,” he muttered. “You left before I woke up, like a one night stand who doesn’t want to face their lover.”

Scoffing a laugh, I ran a hand through my hair. “You know it wasn’t like that. Last night was…” I couldn’t find the words to describe how connected I had felt to Malone. How being entwined with him all night had completed me in a way I had never experienced before.

“I know,” he replied, a low rumble in his chest.

His small growl heated my cheeks as I stared out of the window, watching the buildings grow thicker and higher. London, baby.

“I’ve cast an invisibility spell so no witch can see me. I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay.” He sighed, clearly resigned. “It’s not like I can control you. Well, not all the time, anyway.”

Chuckling, I said goodbye and ended the call, just as we pulled into the station.

I looked for the guard as I got up and made my way off the train, but he was hiding somewhere, no doubt cheering up another person.

The platform filled with people as I kept my head down and strode through the crowd who were vying to get onto the train. Someone bashed into me, apologising when I stumbled.

I was used to crowds in Brighton, but my senses were now triple what they’d been before. Scents of people’s aftershave, food, and cigarettes made my stomach roll. I had to get out of the station.

The entrance was ahead, the big doors calling to me. To the left, I spotted a huge sign indicating the toilets. Ah, I needed space to breathe.

Shoving through the door, I hurried into a cubicle and locked the door behind me. A shaky breath echoed around the small space as I leant against the door. There were many new benefits to being a hybrid, but there were a few drawbacks too. One being an overload on the senses.

Drake. I had to get to my brother.

My heart thumping, I closed my eyes and prepared to teleport. I only had to imagine Dr Amel’s hospital, and I should…

Air gushed my hair as I landed right in front of the building I’d been picturing.

“Oh, bloody hell!” A nurse gasped when I appeared beside her.

The teleport had taken seconds, and I hadn’t felt a thing. I could get used to being able to zip here, there and everywhere.

“Sorry,” I said, moving out of the way to allow her entrance to her work.

Her eyes were wide as she moved around me, keeping an exaggerated few steps away. “It’s fine.”

Using her ID, she ducked through the door, tugging it shut behind her. I didn’t blame her for being a little on edge. Not many witches had the power to teleport, it made for a rare experience. Seeing me pop up, right outside the secret hospital for witches with mental health issues, had probably startled her.

Digging out my phone, I dialled Dr Amel, hoping that he was at work. He picked up on the second ring, cheerful as ever.

“Della! How are you?”

“I’m outside,” I replied, looking through the glass doors. “I’ve come to see Drake.”

The reception area was almost empty, except for the receptionist, who eyed me suspiciously.

“Oh fab!” he said, “I’ll let you in.”

A loud buzz sounded from the door, so I yanked it open, almost breaking it off its hinges – okay, slight exaggeration, but I had forgotten my own strength.