Page 21 of Take Me, Daddy

Leah O’Connor was a fantasy and I had to keep her that way. I couldn’t allow her to be more than that.



Once I had descended the stairs back down to the alleyway, I lifted Emma into the stroller. The entire walk home, thoughts of Kieran were searing through my memory. The thing that stood out to me the most was the flash of his icy cool gaze on mine when I’d come through that door, like he’d known I’d done it on purpose.

He couldn’t have though, could he? I played it off well enough, didn’t I?

I chewed my lip, and my head took a more wicked turn. He was the most gorgeous man I’d ever had the privilege to lay my eyes upon. The water dripping down his body had only made him that much more intoxicating to look at and it had been exceedingly difficult to look away even when I knew I should have.

It had been such a long time since I’d had sex. I honestly didn’t even remember the last time I’d even had an orgasm.

Seeing him naked today only seemed to make it that much worse. I knew that my panties were drenched. My clit had been pulsing incessantly and my nipples were still rock hard. I shrugged my body forward and pulled my jacket closed as much as I could in hopes that no one would be able to see how incredibly aroused I was.

“I like Kieran, Mom. When can I hang out with him again?” Emma asked, craning her neck back so that she could see me. My face flushed a bit.

“I’m not sure, honey. Soon hopefully,” I stammered.

I wasn’t even sure he was interested. So far, nothing he’d said indicated that he was concerned with anything more than our general well-being.

She sniffled.

“How are you feeling, Emma?”

“My nose is stuffy.”

I dug into my pocket and handed her a tissue. She blew into it and handed it back to me. I hid my grimace as I took it and shoved it into the little trash bag I had just for such occasions. Snot and vomit had always made me a bit grossed out, but such was the life of a mom.

I pushed in front of Irma’s and opened the door. The elderly woman was at the counter. She smiled warmly when her gaze landed on me. Then her right eyebrow lifted just a little and she grinned even wider, her eyes sparkling with sudden interest.

“Leah, my dear, how are you?”

“Hey there, Irma,” I greeted in return.

“You’re glowing,” she began. She leaned forward on the counter onto her elbows, and I could have sworn my face caught fire for the thousandth time that day.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I stammered.

“I wasn’t born yesterday, honey. I raised a few girls myself and I know that look.” She waggled her eyebrows while pointing straight at me.

“But I…”

“Come on… Spill,” she exclaimed. Her whole face had lit up, like me walking into her café this evening had been the highlight of her day.

“Well, I went to work today,” I started. My cheeks only seemed to flare even hotter.


“Well, I had a cleaning job a couple blocks from here and it was going well at first, but…”

“Somewhere the agency sent you?”


“Whose place did they send you to?”

“Kieran’s,” I stated simply. Her eyes danced like she knew something but didn’t exactly want to say.