“Jedrek,” I got out as I sobbed.
Hearing his voice was taking me down slowly. I was crying uncontrollably, especially from hearing the emotion in his voice. “Baby, please don’t cry. I been tryna call you.”
Pulling myself together, I rinsed my mouth out and washed my face again. “I’ll see you at six.”
“Okay, Vashti.”
I ended the call, then lay in bed. I did my best to keep my emotions in check, so I didn’t have to throw up again. Jedrek’s voice was like that of an angel, and I couldn’t wait to see him at six.
* * *
Around five-thirty,I went downstairs to find my chauffeur. “Hey, Charles. Can you take me to CVS?”
“Yes, ma’am. The one on Dowlen?”
“No. The one on the corner of Phelan and 23rd.”
He nodded, then opened the door for me. My legs were trembling, because I was so anxious to see Drek. If I was pregnant with his baby, I didn’t know what I was gonna do. I wasn’t ready to be a mother. After taking the five-minute drive, I got out of the car and quickly went inside the store, so the driver wouldn’t see me go crazy at the sight of him. I went to the first aisle, so I would see him when he came in the store.
Looking at all the lotions and perfumes was beginning to get boring, especially since I was anticipating his arrival. When the automatic door opened, my head quickly snapped up to see Drek looking for me. Walking to the main aisle, I could feel the tears fall down my cheeks. When his eyes met mine, he quickly came to me and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m sorry, Vashti. I was angry. Then when I finally got over myself and tried to call you, I couldn’t get through.”
“I’m sorry too.”
His lips fell to mine, and I swore I levitated. When he pulled away from me, he grabbed my hand and brought me to the pregnancy tests. “Vashti, if you’re pregnant, I promise to do everything I can to take care of y’all. I mean that, lil mama.”
We went to the pharmacy cashier and paid for the test, then Drek led me to the family restroom. After locking the door, I opened the test as my hands trembled. Before I could open the foil packet on the test stick, Drek came to me and kissed me so passionately, it caught me off guard. When he pulled away, I had calmed down significantly. “Drek, I’m scared.”
“Me too, but we gon’ do what we have to do as parents if you’re pregnant. Let’s find out for sure first, though.”
I opened the packet, then pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet. My eyes closed as I pissed on the stick, hoping the test would be negative. When I finished, I wiped the stick off and sat it on the changing table. Drek’s eyes were glued on me. After washing my hands, he pulled me in his arms and held me close, then kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry about my dad.”
“You don’t have to apologize for him, lil mama. Vashti… damn.”
He seemed to be struggling with something, but instead of saying it, he walked over to look at the test. Drek stared at it, then looked up at me. I walked over to him to see that it was positive. I was pregnant. The tears fell from my eyes, and the cries left my lips as Drek pulled me in his embrace. “We gon’ get through this, Vash. I love you.”
Wayment.Did he just say he loved me? I stared up at him, and he gently rubbed my cheek, then put his hand on my stomach. “That’s our baby in there.”
“Jedrek, did you just say you loved me?”
He averted his gaze, trying to look at anything but me, but I held his face in my hands and gently rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs. “I did. I love you, Vashti.”
“I love you too, Drek. I’ve been sick not being able to talk to you.”
His arms wrapped around my waist, and he lifted me in the air. Our lil celebration was short-lived though when someone knocked on the door. I gathered my things, and we opened the door to see a manager. I showed her the receipt and the pregnancy test. She smiled and said, “Congratulations.”
I guess she thought we were in there either hiding stuff to steal or having sex. Although, I could go for letting Drek bang out my insides right now. As we walked down the aisle he grabbed my hand and kissed it. “How are we going to see each other?”
I shrugged my shoulders and they slumped as soon as telling my parents entered my mind. “I don’t know. I’m gonna have to tell them. I got the job at St. Elizabeth. So as soon as I get my first check, I’m gone.”
“Congratulations, baby! In the meantime, I’m gonna change my number so I can call you. We gonna make it through. I think I should be there when you tell your parents. When do you want to do it?”
“What time do you work tomorrow?”
“I’m off tomorrow. So, I’ll go get my number changed and call you.”
“Okay. I have to go to St. Elizabeth to fill out paperwork and take a drug test. So, text me first.”
I looked at the floor, then said to him, “I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby, and we’re in love.”