Page 15 of Forbidden Fruit

Her dad’s eyes widened. I supposed because I called her by her first name. I kissed her forehead, then she pulled away and grabbed my hand. Following her to the sitting area, I admired her figure. She wore this Boho styled, black and white dress. Those legs were on full display, and it hung off her shoulders. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of days, and my body was telling me so. “I missed you, Vash.”

“I missed you too. You look really nice.”

“Thank you. You look amazing as always.”

“You okay, Jedrek? You look a little upset.”

“I’m okay,” I said, then cleared my throat and sat back on the sofa.

Vashti grabbed my hand, then I brought hers to my lips and kissed it. A tall, slender, medium brown-skinned woman came to the sitting area. I stood from my seat as she stretched her hand out. “Hello. I’m Loretta Levine, Vashti’s mother.”

“Hello. I’m Jedrek Harris. Nice to meet you.”

She smiled brightly and nodded, then walked away. I reclaimed my seat and Vashti snuggled up to me, so I put my arm around her. “I’m so glad you’re here, Gray.”

“Me too, but this dress is making my thoughts go places they shouldn’t right now.” I allowed my fingers to lightly graze her thigh as her face reddened. My lips grazed her ear as I said, “You look sexy as fuck, lil mama.”

She squirmed, then scooted away from me a lil bit. I gave her a one-cheeked smile just as her mother came back in the room and let us know dinner was ready. I stood, then extended my hand to help her from the couch. We walked hand in hand to the dining area.

There was steamed shrimp, asparagus, mixed vegetables, steak, and mashed potatoes. Hell, I didn’t know my mama knew how to cook asparagus. Vashti led us to our seats, then I pulled out her chair. She smiled at me and sat while her mom smiled as well. However, the look her dad had on his face let me know that he wasn’t impressed. As soon as I sat, he asked, “So, what are your plans after you finish school?”

“I have a guaranteed job with Entergy. They’re just waiting on me to finish.”

He nodded, then grabbed his wife and daughter’s hands to say grace. I grabbed their hands as well, then bowed my head. “Jedrek, why don’t you lead us in the blessing.”

My eyes widened, but I took a deep breath and bossed up. “Dear Lord, thank you for this amazing dinner that you’ve afforded. Please bless it to fulfill its nutritional duties. Thank you for allowing me to partake in the Levine’s dinner in their beautiful home and to be in Queen Vashti’s company. Amen.”

She squeezed my hand, but her face looked like she wanted to die.Did I do something?“Why did you call her Queen Vashti?” her father asked with a frown on his face.

“Well, first, she is a beautiful, Black queen. Secondly, I looked up the name Vashti, because it was so unique. Vashti was a queen in the Bible.”

“Figures. I don’t guess you read any further. Typical for our people.”

I felt the heat rush to my face once again, then glanced at Vashti. She was staring at her plate. I wanted to say something back, but I decided to just let that shit ride. Everyone began filling their plate in silence. I allowed them all to go first. Vashti glanced at me but continued fixing her plate.

When they were all done, I began putting samples of everything on mine as her dad watched me like a hawk. “Oh goodness. This asparagus is horrible. Where did she learn to cook this?” Vashti’s mom mouthed.

Taking slow deep breaths helped me calm down. I didn’t like asparagus, but I planned to eat the shit like it was the best thing since sliced bread without a word. She continued, “I don’t know how long I can take her cooking. She uses too much seasoning. If I wanted soul food, I’d go to my mom’s house.”

Finally, Vashti said, “Mom, please. That’s enough.”

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want to offend her son,” Vashti’s dad said.

Vashti and Loretta’s eyes widened as she looked at me. “I didn’t mean to offend you, Jedrek.”

I just nodded and forced myself to eat that nasty ass asparagus. Clearly, she didn’t know their maid was my mother either. Everything else tasted great, just like home. Once dinner was done, Loretta offered me seconds, but I refused. Dr. Levine then said, “Well, I know you don’t have much, so you ought to take that for your lunch tomorrow.”

“Daddy!” Vashti yelled.

I stood from my seat with a deep frown on my face and walked away from the table. Vashti ran after me. “Drek! Please wait.”

I turned to look at her, the woman I was falling for. She walked closer to me and grabbed my hands. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea he would behave this way.”

“Why didn’t you tell them Carol is my mother?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think it was important.”

I walked out of the door as she watched me. There was no way I was going to sit there and let him continue to insult me. When I got to my car, I realized she didn’t follow me out. She stood in the doorway and continued watching me as I drove away.