“Seems like you’re conveniently forgetting about everything else you did to me.”

Our voices are rising with our tempers, and this is turning into a full-blown argument. I guess that’s what happens when two people carry unanswered questions and animosity around for years.

“We talked about that. Nothing happened between me and Francesca.”


“Shit, here we go again.Nothinghappened while you and I were together.”

“But you certainly ran back to her open arms the second we were over.”

“It was almosttwo yearsafteryouended it!” He leans over to point right in my face. “And you have no right to get upset about that, especially because you pushed me right back to her. Ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy?”

“Okay, I just ordered the nuggets and you guys are giving me the whole menu...with dessert. It’s too much. Both of you take a deep breath.” She inhales, tutoring us on how to do it. “I have to admit, I’m confused as hell, so let’s start at the very beginning. I’m going to give you each a chance to explain your side of the story. Dylan, you go first, then I’ll give Isabella a chance to speak, and we’ll just alternate until I have a fair idea of what happened.”

Dylan lets out an irritated breath. “Alright. I think the best place to start is nine years ago...at the beginning of our junior year before we even agreed to the terms of engagement. So, we were about two or three weeks into September and...”

2. Dylan