Just her tone puts the fear of God in him, and he simply nods.
She’s pissed, but also strangely amused at how scared he is. Taking a step closer, she rests her folded arms over the space of the open window. “Dylan, I was doing very well this morning until I passed a car that I’ve never seen on this street...and yet it looked oddly familiar, so I turned around to investigate and look what I found. What did I tell you about running around in the streets with my daughter?”
“Um...um...you said don’t...don’t do it.”
She pinches his cheek, then slaps him lightly on the same spot. Twice. “And where are you with my daughter this morning?”
“In the street.”
“The sun is barely out. What are you doing with her at this time?”
I quickly intervene to save us both. “Mom, it’s my fault. Lana had to run an urgent errand for her mother this morning, so I called Dylan and asked him to bring me home. He was kind enough to say yes, but he said it had to be early because...because he has to be in church by nine.”
That softens her a fraction. She loves going to church, but we stopped after my dad died because we work most Sundays. I know that I’m playing on a weakness of hers again, but technically, I’m not lying because he is going to church.
She lets out a heavy sigh. “You’re off the hook this time,” she warns. “If you intend to see my daughter regularly, then this better be the last time I catch you out in the street with her.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he confirms with a quick nod.
“And you.” She points at me. “Vamos a tener una buena conversacion cuando llegue a casa.”
She walks back to her car, and Dylan waits for her to be out of earshot before he throws his head back against the seat. “Oh, my God! Your mom is so scary.” He looks back to make sure she’s left. “Scott’s been coming over a lot, right? Is she the same with him?”
“No, she adores him. I have no idea why.”
“Typical,” he sneers. “I don’t know how he does it, but moms just love him. So, do you think she’s going to ground you?”
“Ground me?” I repeat in confusion. “Groundings are for privileged kids. Parents who work double shifts need more efficient methods of discipline. Us poorer kids - we get ass-whippings.”
He’s stunned by this, as if the concept is foreign to him. “Really? That’s serious. Do you want me to come back and?”
“No.” I smile to allay his fears. He’s so cute. “I’m just messing with you. My mom only threatens an ass-whipping. She’d never actually hit us. Besides, I think she believed my story about Lana, but she said we’re going to have a good chat when she gets home, so it’s probably another lecture about safe sex.”
“I’m sure she’ll be better than my parents when it comes to discussions about sex. Mine are so inappropriate...but good luck with that.”
“Thanks. It’s been quite a night, De Lorenzo.” I smile, a little sad that our date has come to an end. I open the door, then turn back to face him before I get out. “Earlier on the phone, you said that we can decide what this is after we compromise. We’re not dating, so this can’t be classified as a date. What would you call these encounters we’re going to be having?”
“We’ll call them what they are. Little adventures.”
“I like that.”
“Me too.”
“Thanks again for a wonderful night.” I hop out, then turn to face him again. Pressing two fingers to my lips, I blow him a kiss.
“I love when you do that.” The grin on his face widens, and he winks at me. “I’ll see you around, Bella.”