Bella is out cold and getting into the backseat while carrying a drunk girl is no easy task. Eventually, I get it right and I sit there and watch them argue. Whatever issue they were having gets resolved because there are some flirty smiles, and he even puts his arm around her as they walk to the car. I feel like I’ve stepped into the Twilight Zone.

Scott opens the door for her then goes around to the other side to get in. He adjusts the rearview mirror to look at me. “How’re you doing back there, Dyl?”

I scowl at him because he asks the question as if he’s unaware of the shitty night I’ve had. “How do you think I’m doin’, Scott?”

He simply laughs off my irritation and switches on the car. I take note of the fact that he knows the route to their house because he doesn’t enter the address into his GPS, and he doesn’t ask Catalina for directions. Once we arrive, it looks like he’s quite at home because he just walks straight through the open plan dining room and into the kitchen to make Bella a cup of coffee. I follow Catalina up the stairs and gently lay Bella down on her bed. Cat takes off her heels and I leave because it’s weird being in her bedroom without her permission.

I go back downstairs and find Scott in the dining room staring at the calendar on the wall.

“What are you looking at?” I ask.

He shrugs and turns to face me. “She crossed out today.”

“Isn’t that the point of a calendar?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

I look down and on one side of the table is a clay sculpture of what looks like a superhero, and on the side, I find a few textbooks, a notepad, and some pens. I admire the work in progress for a few seconds before my eyes shift to Scott. “Do you think she’d mind if I use these?” I ask, pointing to the notepad and pens.

“I don’t think so.”

I scribble my number on a piece of paper and rip it out of the notepad. I know the complications that are going to arise if I do this but I’m going to stop being indecisive. The catch is she has to meet me halfway, and I’m not sure if she’s willing to do that. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

When Catalina comes down the stairs again, I hand it to her with an instruction. “Tell her to call me, but only if she’s sober.”

She nods, and Scott and I leave together. There’s complete silence from him when we get into the car. I stare at him, waiting for an explanation as to what exactly is going on between him and Catalina because he seems way too cozy with a girl he’s claimed to hate for years. No one is allowed near her because she’s the pariah at the bottom ofhissocial hierarchy, yet he can put his arm around her and make house calls. How does that work?

He doesn’t say anything. He just sits there, staring at the road ahead with this weird smirk on his face like he’s trying not to laugh.

“So, you’re not going to say anything?” I ask.

He still doesn’t look my way. “Well, that was some night, huh? I’m beat. I’m just going to drop you off to get your car and then I’m gonna head home.”

I wait...and that’s all he says. “You’re an asshole.”

The laughter he was trying to contain rolls out of him. “Only four days a week, Dyl. And I promise I’m doing my best to bring that down to two.”

And then we drive on in silence until we get back to Sean’s house.