An eye roll and a snort are what I get in return. “I told you I’m trying to change my ways and only be an asshole twice a week. I meant that.”

“Yeah, I don’t believe that at all.”

“Your prerogative. But getting back to Pete. He just needs some time to get his head out of his ass and think about the fact that he almost threw a backhand at agirl. That whole incident was a rude awakening for me, and I realized that I need to make a change and stop being a dick. The same thing will happen to Pete. He’s too hard-headed to see it now, but when that reality hits him, he’ll come around. That aside, though, what he said earlier was just a joke, Dylan. He doesn’t use women assex toys, but he doesn’t want a relationship either. Give the guy a break.” He hands me a pool cue. “Now, can we please stop talking about Pete and have some fun?”

I release a heavy breath as I take the cue. I’m still mad, but Scott’s loyalty obviously makes him more forgiving than me, so there’s no point in arguing it further.

We play a few games of pool, alternating with other guys on the football team. I try not to let my eyes stray to the darkened corner on the opposite side of the room because David is getting progressively more handsy, and I’m getting progressively more livid. I hate seeing her with him and it’s taking an insane amount of self-restraint to not march up to them and yank him off her, but I don’t get involved in other people’s issues. She can make her own choices. If she wants to spite me, let her spite me. This is precisely the reason why I actively try to avoid drama. I honestly don’t need this kind of shit in my life. It’s unnecessary.

Sean is drunk, yet he is killing pretty much everyone. He wins twelve games in a row before Scott and I decide we’ve had enough ass-whipping for one night. We pass Bella again as we look for open seats, and I just grit my teeth and keep moving. I’m not sure if Scott can sense my annoyance as we walk by, but he throws his arm around me.

“Your girl’s got you wound tighter than a two-dollar watch.”

“She’s not my girl.”

An amused chuckle pops out of him. “Oh, so it’s not her you make googly eyes at every morning? Everyone talks about it, Dyl. You’re so smitten with her.”

“She’s the worst kind of trouble, so I really shouldn’t be.”

“Yeah, you shouldn’t...but you are.” We walk outside onto the wide patio and Scott freezes. “Shit!”


“Amanda’s headed this way.”

“Who’s Amanda?”

He cocks his head in her direction. “See that blonde over there looking hot as fuck in that Harlequin costume? That’s Amanda. The problem is, I may have raised her expectations about what I wanted from her...and now I have no intention of following through. This is going to be so awkward.” He’s slowly inching backward as she approaches.

“Why would you string her along like that? Just when I thought you and Peter were different?”

“I don’t need a lecture. I need you to help me out of this. Tell her we were just about to?”

“I’m not helping you with anything. You dug your grave; you can die a slow death in it.”

His head snaps sideways to glower at me, and his jaw clenches with agitation. “You are the worst! Why am I friends with you?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

Amanda bounces the last few feet and is just about to throw her arms around him when he grabs her shoulders to keep her at arm's length.

“Amanda! It’s so great to see you.” He awkwardly gives her hand a firm shake, and she looks at him like she thinks he might’ve been sniffing glue for too long. “You look...amazing. Listen, I’d love to stay and chat, but Dylan and I are going to...” His eyes flick to me expectantly, waiting for me to bail him out. Not gonna happen. “Remember, Dyl, we were just about to?”

“Sit down on this couch right here and talk about football plays.”

His mouth presses into a hard line, and I try to hold back a laugh. He’s so annoyed because that wasn’t the out he was looking for. He wanted an excuse to take him out of the vicinity, but I’m not aiding this behavior. He can suffer.

“Ilovefootball!” Amanda says sprightly. “I’d love to stay and listen if you guys don’t mind.”

“We would love that, too.” I nudge him playfully. “Isn’t that right, Scott?”

If looks could kill, I’d be dead right now. “Plays aren’t meant to be shared. That’s kinda giving the game away.”

“We don’t have to tell her all our secrets.” I take a few steps back and drop onto the black leather couch, spreading my arms along the backrest. “Have a seat, Scott.”

He’s still very grumpy when he sits down beside me. We don’t even get a chance to talk about football because Amanda has other plans. As soon as she sits down on the other side of Scott, she slings her legs over his and starts flirting. I’m not sure why Scott wants to ditch her, especially because he’s single now. She’s exactly his type and yet he’s sitting there with his arms crossed, trying to avoid touching her as much as possible. It does make me feel better about myself, though. At least I’m not the only one who has trouble talking to girls.

That thought makes me think about the one girl I can talk to, the one who’s decided to cut me out of her life. Thankfully, I can’t see her from here, so I’m able to ignore the tightness in my chest.