“De Lorenzo, if I were fucking with you, trust me...you’d like it too.”
He shuts his eyes and inhales a deep breath. “Uh...I’ll see you later.” He turns to walk away. “And no alcohol,” he calls over his shoulder. “Deal’s off if you drink.”
Lana is almost bursting with excitement by the time I sit down in front of her. We spend about two minutes chatting about her new crush, a college guy who’s her brother’s best friend, but the conversation is cut short when our teacher enters. We continue chatting via text. I also text Tommy to tell him to pick me up half an hour later than usual.
We have lunch together and, just like every day this week, we’re joined by her two cheerleader friends. I can’t stand them, but I smile and fake pleasantries. One of them is Lana’s cousin, Charlotte, who only greeted Dylan this morning, even though I was right next to him. I hate her the most. She compliments me on my hair and asks if I can braid her hair too. I oblige without saying thank you because she issofake and so is every word that comes out of her lying mouth. I guess I’m also fake because I hate her, yet I’m standing here braiding her hair. Honestly, I’d rather do that than actually talk to her.
Charlotte is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Lana may have some questionable morals, but at least she’s not two-faced like this bitch. Charlotte is responsible for most of the rumors about me that fly around school, including the one where I gang-banged half the football team at a party I only attended for twenty minutes. One look in a guy’s direction and it will go around that I slept with him. The only reason rumors haven’t spread about me and Dylan is because she likes him. Well, that and the fact that no one would believe it because Dylan just isn’t the type. He transferred to Loughlin over a year ago, and I’ve never seen him with a girl. I’ve heard via the grapevine that he’s had a few casual short-term girlfriends, but he’s so discreet about it, I can’t say for sure.
Lana grabs her water bottle and takes a sip before offering it to me. “You want some?”
I decline with a shake of my head and continue braiding Charlotte’s hair. “No, I’m good.”
Her eyes bulge, and she looks at me like I’m possessed. “You know it’s not water, right?”
I’m not about to tell them the real reason I’m declining the alcohol. If Charlotte finds out I’m meeting Dylan after school, she’ll glue herself to me, then invite herself into our discussion, and I don’t want her there. I hate being around her because she’s the type of person who elevates herself by putting the people around her down.
“I know,” I reply, trying to remain vague. “I just...don’t want any today.”
“Okay. More for us.”
They keep talking about boys and makeup, but I don’t say much. The day drags by; one class merges into another and I only realize that I have been anxiously counting down the seconds when the last bell rings.
“Why are you so flushed all of a sudden?” Lana asks as we pack up.
“I’m not flushed.”
Questioning blue eyes fall upon me. “Well, you’re...something. Does this have to do with a boy?”
“No...well, sort of. I’m meeting Dylan now.”
“Your locker rendezvous not enough anymore?”
“He wants to explain to me why I exceed his limit of crazy?”
“Did he really say that to you?”
I nod. “Yep.”
“He’s so weird...and I don’t know if that makes him hotter.”
“It does.”
She walks with me to the spot where we agreed to meet and he’s already there. “Hi, Dylan,” she greets.
“Hi...hi. It’s, uh, it’s Lana, right?”
If the stuttering wasn’t a dead giveaway that he’s nervous, the deliberate lack of eye contact would definitely be the next clue. I’m the tiniest bit jealous because I don’t think he has ever reacted like that to me.
“Yes. Heard you’re having quite an important discussion with my friend this afternoon.”
He gives an awkward smile. “Y-yeah, we’re...we’re just gonna talk...about stuff...just talking.”
She giggles at how uncomfortable he is. “Okay. Let me leave you to it, then.”
“Hey, don’t tell Charlotte,” I say.
She gives me a wink to show she understands, then heads out of the main entrance. Dylan walks with me to the side door that leads to the eating area outside the cafeteria. We find a bench and table in a shady spot.