Her head snaps up, and she’s silent for a long while, just staring at me. “Imagine you were in love with me.”
“I don’t need to imagine.”
“Okay, now, imagine I was in love with you, too. We want to start our lives together and we decide to build a house. We design the perfect one. It’s got a jacuzzi and a gym, an entertainment area for guests, the works, and it’s beautiful. The day we move in, you tell me I’m only allowed access to the kitchen, the bathroom, and one bedroom.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you think that’s all I need. Those three rooms should be sufficient, right?”
I let out an irritable breath. “Bella, this whole hypothetical scenario makes no sense. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
She crosses her arms and gives me an amused smirk. “You wouldn’t?”
“No. The whole point of buying a house is to share it. What’s the point of us moving in together if you only get three rooms?”
“Exactly. Which is why I packed up my shit and left. See, you wanted us to build a relationship, but you only granted me access to certain parts of you because you thought that’s all I needed, but you can’t build a life with someone if you’re not willing to shareallof it. I don’t know what you want to get out of this. You’re chasing me down, trying to lure me back into that house where I only get three rooms. I don’t want it!” Tears well up in her eyes again, but anger stops them from falling. “So, let’s get one thing clear, just in case there are any misconceptions about what’s going on between us. The only reason I come here every week is because that’s what the judge ordered, and I have to follow those orders if I want to keep my job. We have zero chance of resolving anything because you are still the same person you were years ago. You haven’t changed. You haven’t grown. And you haven’t matured one iota. I have no interest in conversing with someone who is still approaching life like a child, hiding your skeletons in the closet because you’re too afraid to have a real adult conversation. So, you know what? Keep your secrets to yourself. Keep our talking time confined to that room. Outside of it...stay the fuck away from me.” She winks at me. “I’ll see you next week, De Lorenzo.” She spins on her heel and marches off.
14. Isabella