Bella stares at me for a long while before acknowledging our silent exchange with a stiff nod. She leaves without saying another word, and I immediately spring up out of my chair to go after her. She storms down the long, narrow hallway to the elevators, and I have to break out into a jog to catch up. It feels likedeja vubecause I’m always running after her. Even with everything that has happened between us, I’ve proven to myself that I’ll probably never stop.

“Bella, wait.”

I grasp her arm and bring her to a stop. She doesn’t look at me. Instead, she stares at the offending hand until I let her go. As soon as I do, she starts marching again.

“Will you please stop and talk to me?”

She stops. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

“It’’s complicated.”

She continues walking and the elevator doors open a few seconds before we reach it. Two men step out and we step in.

“I wanted to call you,” I say as soon as the doors close.

She faces forward and pretends I’m not there.

“I deleted your number after we broke up. I asked Scott for it, but he refused to give it to me because of that stupid pact you guys made. I mean, he can break the pact to ruin my entire life, but he can’t do it to give me your number. That was asking for too much.”

She still doesn’t even look in my direction.

“C’mon, don’t ignore me.”

The elevator dings, and she stomps out as soon as the doors open. I catch up with her just as she steps outside of the building into the late afternoon sun. Scott is already parked there, waiting for me, with Peter in the passenger seat.

“Yo, Isa!” he greets, dropping his head an inch so he can see her through the open passenger window.

She rolls her eyes. “Ihatewhen you call me like that.”

“I know. That’s why I do it.”

“Why are you here, anyway, Dipshit?”

“To pick up my boy. His car is still in for repairs. The damage was extensive.” Scott and Peter do a piss-poor job of trying not to laugh at that statement. If there is one thing time hasn’t changed, it’s their ability to be total douchebags.

Their indiscreet snickering gets an amused smile out of her. “Speaking of cars, when are you getting a new one? This is the same one Peter gave you almost adecadeago. It looks like it’s about to fall apart.”

“I’m a teacher. Teachers are underpaid, but you’ll be pleased to know that I will be getting a new car soon.” He nudges Peter and grins. “Isn’t that right, Pete?”

“We’ll see about that,” Peter responds cryptically.

“What are you guys talking about?” I ask.

“Pete and I have a bet going. If I win, he’ll give me one of his cars.”

“And if you lose?” she chimes in.

“We haven’t discussed that because I’m not going to lose.” His eyes move to me. “Dyl, will you get in? We just got back from a workout and we’re starving.”

“Okay, let me not keep you guys.” Bella waves her goodbyes. “I’ll probably be seeing you this weekend, Scott.”

“Yep, Keith and I are gonna shoot some hoops.” He groans his annoyance. “Dylan, get in!”

“Yeah, give me a second.” I take Bella’s arm and walk a few steps so we can have some privacy. “I’m sorry I hurt you. That was never my intention. I was going to come back, but then things got...crazy. And I asked Scott for your number. He’s right here. You can ask him.”

She looks down at her nails, flicking at them as if she’s bored and waiting for this conversation to end.

“C’mon, don’t do that to me. Just talk. Isn’t that the reason we’re coming to these stupid therapy sessions every week? To resolve our issues and find a place of common understanding?”