Oh, shit! Porterman and Hart Attorneys. Must be a coincidence. Surely, there can be two Keith Harts who are lawyers.
“I met him at the hospital. He was one of my patients. And then a few weeks ago when I went out for coffee with the girls, I saw him again. Then he came to see me...again...so now he wants to have dinner.”
It’s not possible for two Keith Harts to get injured and end up in the hospital at the exact same time, is it?
“Is he...cute?” Cat asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.
My mother blushes like a schoolgirl. “Yes. He is a...very fine hunk of a man. He’s sort of smooth, but not smooth at the same time, if that makes sense. And there’s something familiar about him.” Her cheeks are getting redder, and she can’t contain her smile. “I don’t know what it is, but he makes me feel...comfortable.”
“Oh, my God, Mom!” I yell. “You’re crushing so hard.”
Immediately, her excitement is replaced with guilt. A tear escapes her eye before she quickly wipes it away. “Last week...it was a year since your father...Do you think it’s too soon?”
I don’t know why she still gives my father so much thought. “No,” I snap. “Don’t waste your loyalty on a man who left you, Ma.”
“It’s okay to move on,” Cat says, using a much gentler tone. “It’s okay to find your happiness again. We’re not going to judge you for that.”
“Okay...so you think I look okay? Not too much? The heels feel like a bit much.”
“You look beautiful,” Cat assures her.
She walks over to the bed to kiss each of us on the forehead. “Will you be home by two?”
“Three,” I say quickly. It’s Cat’s first party. How can she have a curfew of two o’clock? “Any party only really starts at midnight.”
“Okay, but be responsible.” Her eyes move to Cat. “And change out of that dress. You can’t go out wearing something so short.”
“Okay, I’ll change,” Cat lies.
“Love you.” My mother walks out, and we hear her hurried footsteps going down the stairs.
Cat half-turns to look at me. “That was weird, right?”
“Did you see the way she was blushing?” I move to stand in front of her, tilting her face from side to side so I can assess the overall look. “You need a little more liner.” I do a small touch-up. “And there. You’re done. You look beautiful, sis.”
She stands up and walks closer to the mirror, twisting around to see the full effect of the dress. Cat is much more petite than I am, but that dress hugs all her curves while still accentuating the daintiness of her frame. She looks hot as hell.
“Hey, is anyone up there?” Scott calls from downstairs. He’s alreadyinthe house.
I groan. “Why doesn’t he knock?”
“He thinks he lives here. He’s made friends withallthe neighbors.”
“I know. Elena came by while you guys were out this afternoon to bringhimsome cookies. She’s never brought us a damn thing.”
Cat takes a few steps and stops at the door. “I’m coming,” she calls back.
They continue yelling to each other about her new sculpture that Scott’s admiring downstairs. I’m too distracted to add much to their conversation as I secure the strap on Cat’s forearm. The doctor told her she’d have to use this for the next few weeks, but I can tell she’s relieved to finally have the cast off.
“So, you’re coming later?” My sister must be picking up a weird vibe from me if she feels the need to ask me that again.
I simply nod.
“Okay, see you then.”
Cat walks downstairs and as soon as I hear them leave, I grab my phone to text Dylan. I’ll be mature about it and end it in person on Monday, but I don’t want to see him tonight. I guess I kinda feel disheartened. The first time I really like a guy and I find out I’m the worst thing for him. It’s not like I didn’t know that going in, but when we’re alone together, it sort of feels like we’re in a bubble, and I forget about the reality that exists outside of it.
Me:Hi. Not feeling well tonight so gonna skip the party. Don’t come pick me up.