Trixi skidded to a halt, rearing at the intense noise of the helicopter. "Easy, girl." She stroked her side and dismounted, tying the reins to a tree. The sheriff and ranger were already pushing back foliage, making their way to the light’s center. Sarah rushed through the bushes, twigs digging into her legs as she kicked them to the side, desperate to get to Tommy.

The helicopter lowered a stretcher to the dirt path, twenty yards away. They'd still need to make a clearing to get the stretcher to Tom's body.

Then she saw him.

Still. Twisted. Head limp to the side.

"Tom!" Her voice croaked. Sarah ran to his side, her knees hitting the ground. The ranger checked his body for injuries but didn't stop Sarah from tending to him.

She removed her helmet and stroked a finger along Tommy's temple, leaning close to his ear. "Tom. Wake up." She pressed her fingers to his throat. A pulse. She let out a heavy breath. She’d leave the paramedics to move his head, not knowing the extent of his injury. Sarah brushed his forehead. "Tommy, it's me. Can you hear me?"

His forehead wrinkled, and he let out a low moan. His eyelids fluttered, and he squinted at the light. She shielded him from the light by shadowing him.

He blinked once more. "Sarah," he managed to whisper.

"Tom. I'm here."

Voices came from behind her, flashlights and commotion, but she focused only on her man. She kissed his cheek. "You're going to be fine. The Life Flight is here."

He inched his head to face her better, and his eyelids drooped. "Love you."

Her heart melted. She brushed a soft kiss on his lips. "Love you, too."

Moments ago on the trail, despairing thoughts had led to consider what her life would be like without Tommy. Sarah swallowed. She wouldn’t have anyone else. "I'm sorry. I was wrong.” She closed her eyes for two beats. “You're not controlling. You just wanted the best for me." Sarah smiled. "And I believe that person is you."

His expression softened for a moment, then he winced in pain and groaned. Two men lifted the branch from his middle. Sarah stood and stepped back. The ranger touched her arm, and he gestured to the others making a clear path to Tom. "In a minute, you'll need to make space for them to come through. Meet him at the hospital."

"Will they let me ride with him in the helicopter?"

"Unlikely. Next of kin, maybe."

Sarah squatted next to Tommy. "Are you okay?"

"Now that you're here, I am."

She tilted her head. Too sweet, even in pain. She had to stay by his side—hold his hand. If she was his fiancée, they might let her go in the chopper.

Sarah cradled his face. "Tommy, once you get better, can we . . . get married?"

A slow grin lifted his cheeks until his teeth showed. "I thought you'd never ask."

She laughed as fireworks shot through her veins. Sarah lowered her lips to his and gave him the equivalence of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, making sure he felt truly alive.

Someone tapped her shoulder. "Miss. We need to place him on the stretcher now."

Sarah scrambled to her feet and stared at the paramedic. "He wants me with him. I'm his fiancée." A slight stretch of the truth, but she had Tom’s agreement.

The man's mouth twitched, and he frowned.

Sarah feigned a pathetic puppy-eyed plea.

"All right.” He huffed. We should be able to squeeze you in."

Her shoulder's relaxed. She snapped into action and moved to the trail, standing next to the ranger. He lifted a megaphone to his mouth. "Alright, people, move back. The helicopter needs to come in closer. Repeat. Move to the main trail."

Sarah shifted on her feet. Not only was she dying to go the restroom, but she was about to step way out of her comfort zone. "Can I borrow that for a second? I need to say something."

The ranger quirked a brow and shook his head.