"Seriously? Wow. That's huge."

He laughed. "I've met bigger families. But yes, our household was a bit hectic. I'm in the middle. Two of us are still living at home. I moved out at nineteen and lived with my older brother."

"Are you still living with him?"

"They're all in Denver. I moved here for the position at the school. My contract comes up for renewal at the end of the semester."

"Oh. Are you planning to renew?"

"I haven't looked at other options. But I'm happy at the school. It's a friendly, tight-knit community."

"Good." She smiled. "I mean, great that you're enjoying your job."

He cocked his head and grinned. "Yes. It is good. I could see myself settling in and staying for years to come."

Sarah breathed in slowly and shut the lid on a hallelujah chorus rising from her heart. She reached for her water and took a sip, acting casual, glancing about the restaurant in an I'm-not-about-to-break-into-a-happy-dance expression. She choked on her water and started coughing.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded and waved away his concern before reaching for her glass again. "I'm fine." She gasped. The itch in her throat threatened to cause a coughing fit.

Sarah swiveled toward Tommy's table. Damien was speaking with their waitress, while handing back his menu. Inevitably, he spotted her across the room. Eyes widening, he tapped Tommy's shoulder and pointed. Tommy turned to look at her, then raised his menu to cover his face, doing a terrible job of pretending he didn't see her.

Edward followed her gaze. "Shall we go over and ask them to join us?"

Sarah straightened. "Don't be silly. We’re on a date, and I've already talked to him today. Right before you came over."

Edward frowned. "Really?"

She tugged on her necklace. That didn't sound good. "Tommy and I are close. But if one of us ever got into a serious relationship, of course things would have to change. We both know that."

He laced his fingers. "You've discussed relationships with him?"

She nibbled a fake fingernail. They hadn't discussed anything. She didn't talk about her love interests, especially since Tommy had been hers for goodness knows how long. "Briefly. But it's a given."

Edward shrugged. "I'm just curious. I didn't know a guy-girl friendship could remain platonic. I couldn't do it."

She shook her head. "Oh, Tommy has zero feelings for me. Like below zero. Icicles."

"So, it's chill. Like beyond the freezing point of Helium.” He smirked. “Forget I asked."

"Great.” Her shoulders lowered. “Now, let's talk about you."


TOMMY'S GUT TWISTED in knots. What were the odds Damien would choose the same restaurant as Sarah and Edward? So much for avoiding thoughts about their date. Now it was in his face. Would Sarah believe him when he told her he hadn’t planned on eating at the same restaurant? It was one thing to encourage her to take things slow but spying on her would be inexcusable.

Damien frowned at him. "What's wrong? Isn't that Sarah, your BFF?"

"Ha. For someone who’s been away, you seem to know all that’s happening."

"That's small towns for you." Damien nodded in Sarah's direction. "She's not watching anymore. But who's the guy? He keeps looking over here."

Tommy inched his chair to the table, his chest against the edge. He couldn't get farther away from Edward's scrutiny if he tried. "My friend from school. I kind of set them up. Now I'm regretting it."

Damien dipped his head and lowered his voice, which was ironic because Sarah was on the other side of the building. "Do you have feelings for her?"

"No." He whisper-yelled. "That would be weird. We practically grew up together and she’s five years younger. My sister’s age."