Right now. Tommy waved a hand. "I've gotta go. Tell me about your date when you get home. I can't wait to hear all about it." Did she hear the sarcasm in his voice? He tried to sound sincere. He was happy for her—kind of.
Before she could protest anymore, he rushed out the door and closed it behind him. A night out with Damien would be a good distraction.
Chapter Six
SARAH CLUTCHED HER purse in her lap as Edward pulled into a parking spot at Kelly's Garden. Should she wait for him to open the door? Did guys do that anymore?
Edward's smile suggested he could read her mind. "I'll get the door for you."
"Thanks." Her ability to not break into a goofy smile was beyond impressive. She could get used to red-carpet treatment. After he got out of the car, she snorted at her fantasy. This was one date. He might not ask her for a second if she acted like an introverted geek.
At least Edward had appreciated the effort she’d put into her appearance. Stunning, he’d said. Trying to compliment him back, she’d said he looked extinguished. Edward had given her a lop-sided grin. She quickly added, “You’re a science teacher after all.”
All Tommy could sputter was how she looked “nice.” Not the look she was going for. Emily had promised Edward would break into a sweat and wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off her.
She did agree with Tommy. Attracting a man through her personality was more important. A good thing Edward had first seen her wearing a tattered shirt, no makeup, and messy hair. Now she needed to lose her skittish foal act and zone into her calm, neutral self.
Edward opened the door and a cool breeze skimmed across her skin. As ladylike as she could manage, she slipped her long legs into the night and took his hand. They made their way to the entrance archway entwined in vines.
Inside, tranquil water slid down a glassed wall. The greenhouse effect allowed ample light, and a variety of fauna flanked the breezy alfresco veranda. The other side of the building had a green wall adorned in luscious blooms of purple and yellow. Smack bang in the middle of the outdoor section, an enchanting flame tree graced the area. Breathtaking.
The waiter guided them to their table and pulled out her seat. Edward drew back his chair and sat across from her. The waiter ran through the specials and filled their water glasses. Once alone, Edward leaned forward. "You seem a little nervous." He offered a small smile. "It's okay. I am too. I haven't been on a date in over a year."
She let out a breath. "Oh, good. It's not just me." Tommy was wrong about Edward dating around.
He tapped the table inches from her hand. "Tonight, let’s be two people having a meal together. No pressure."
"Okay." She relaxed her shoulders, but it wasn't what she longed to hear. She'd been single long enough and wanted to ride the express train to marriage and family. A vulnerable place to start a relationship from. She didn't even know Edward and she was getting ahead of herself. She could hear Tommy telling her to slow down. But at this rate, she and Tommy would finish their years on rocking chairs at Evergreen's retirement village singing, Kumbaya, without grandchildren to visit.
Edward looked past her shoulder. His eyes widened, then narrowed into slits. "Did you tell him we were coming here tonight?"
She followed his line of sight to Tommy and Damien, seated by the front windows.
"No. I didn't. But I knew he was catching up with Damien. He’s staying around here and considering a move back to Clear Creek."
"Who's Damien?"