Sarah chewed the inside of her cheek. What should she say?
Do something about it. The words sat on the tip of her tongue, held back by the unwelcome truth that he wasn’t suggesting a relationship between them. He liked the comfort of knowing she would always be there for him. But he was right. Things wouldn't be the same when one of them partnered with another.
She gently squeezed his knee. "We don't need to think about it right now. I'm here. You're here. Let's enjoy the way things are."
He placed his hand over hers. "Sorry. You're right. I'm getting way ahead of myself imagining things with Edward will—" He let the sentence hang. "Like you said, I need to focus on the here and now." He removed his hand, and she missed the warmth of his skin and the security of being held by the man she loved.
Chapter Five
SARAH SCRUBBED AT THE orange patches on her legs.
Orange was a great color. For a mango or citrus. Even that shirt Emily wore with the turquoise stripes. Not that Sarah would ever wear something that bold—but the point was—she had nothing against the color.
Except when it showed up on her legs.
In splotches.
On the day she was supposed to wear a strappy dress that “showed off her long legs"—her long, orange-splotched legs.
Sarah groaned, and skimmed Pinterest for another "tanning cream gone wrong."
A knock on the front door made her jump like a startled cat. That couldn't be Edward. She still had an hour to get ready.
"Who is it?" She called through the doorway of her bathroom.
Right. Probably after her rent.
"Coming!" Sarah whipped on her novelty fox bathrobe Becca had bought her last Christmas. She’d said the orange fleece would make her look foxy. Ha. As if.
Wet hair clung to her forehead, and water droplets trailed behind her. She flung open the creaky door. "Hi. Come in."
Dad gave her a once-over and frowned. He would disapprove of the silly ears and tail. She waved him inside. He ducked under the beam and took two steps inside her cottage. Her six-foot height was nothing compared to Dad. He angled his head, his steely eyes all serious. "Why are you late with payments again?"