Not much. He'd heard an occasional comment about her dad’s controlling side. But Tommy didn't know the man well. He seemed all smiles and laughs at church social events. Tommy got along with him. If he wasn’t mistaken, he'd even say the man trusted Tommy.

Mom wiped the corners of her lips with a cloth napkin. "Shall I get dessert?" She stood, the scrape of her chair loud against the uncomfortable silence in the room. "Do you kids want to eat in the living room?" Mom aimed a simulated smile at Becca and Paul.

Becca nodded. "I'll help clear the table." She scooped the last bite of her food before taking her and Paul's plate.

Tommy shoved a significant portion in his mouth and pushed back his chair. Chilling in the living room seemed a great idea.

Chapter Four

SARAH HUGGED ONE SIDE of the couch, while Tommy stretched out on the other end. Becca snuggled against Paul in an armchair, her legs dangling over the side and her head on Paul's chest.

Tommy grabbed the remote from the glass coffee table and selected a screen app. "Who's up for some comedy?"

Sarah closed her eyes. She'd made such a scene during dinner. Usually, she kept the peace and didn't speak her mind, but she'd panicked when the conversation veered toward Edward. The guy hadn't even had the chance to prove himself, and they were already judging him.

Paul laughed. "Yep. Bring it on." Did she detect sarcasm in his voice? They all needed comic relief after her performance at the dining table.

Sarah plucked the pillow between her and Tommy and squeezed it against her chest. Tommy mouthed, "Are you okay?"

She rolled her lips inward and nodded.

He faced the TV, picked the Dry Bar comedy app and scrolled through the episodes.

Becca pointed and laughed. "That one. Still single at thirty. Perfect for you, Tom."

"Sure. Let's have a laugh at my expense. The guy who can't get a date."

Sarah whacked the pillow against his shoulder. "Can so. I've heard about the single moms at the school flirting with you."

He smiled and grabbed the pillow from her and threw it back in her direction. "It wouldn't be appropriate for me to date any of them. Anyway, most of the offers come from forty-year-olds who have teenage kids."

Paul twirled Becca's hair and said, "Beggars can't be choosers."

Tommy snatched the pillow from Sarah's lap and launched it at Paul, missing his head by miles. "Thanks, man."

Half leaning toward her, Tommy peered up, grinning. "Come on, Sarah. Help me out here. Would a pretty girl in her twenties find an old man like me a little bit attractive?"