Another tear slid down her cheek, and he wiped it away. She leaned forward and pressed her lips ever so softly to his.
He cupped her cheek and stole a second kiss. She tasted like salt and all things Sarah. She rested her head on his pillow, and he soaked in her closeness. He could get used to this. And when she became his wife, he would.
Chapter Sixteen
SARAH SHIELDED HER eyes from the sinking sun as Damien's new Toyota bounced over her gravel driveway. Tommy had sent him to fetch her while he prepared their engagement party at a secret location.
How could he keep it a secret when Mrs. Baxter had been invited? Maybe he was sending an Uber to get her next. Undoubtedly, the woman would vex her husband to get the details if he knew.
Tommy had asked to organize the engagement party because, from what he observed from Jake and Ethan’s experiences, the groom didn't get much say in the wedding. Emily, Becca, Kaitlyn, and she had already written an extensive to-do list, and plans were underway. A line of horse and carriages instead of a limousine.
Damien parked beside the porch, hopped out, and ran to the passenger door, opening it before bowing. "At your service, Madam."
"Nice touch. Are you working as a chauffeur on the side?"
He stood back, making room as she entered his new vehicle. "Won't need to. My job offered me a raise if I stayed in Georgetown. I’ve been promoted to area manager."
Sarah slipped on the seat belt and breathed in the leather scent. Damien hopped into the driver's seat and turned the key. Blake Shelton's God Gave Me You played—the same song Tommy had picked to include in their engagement playlist.
"Fantastic news, Damien. So you're staying in Clear Creek for good?" She smoothed her summer dress.
"Yep. I’ll spill the beans after the party. Today is your celebration. But since you mentioned it—" He shrugged, and smile lines bracketed his mouth.
"No, it's fine. Go ahead and make your announcement. Does Tommy know yet?"
"I signed the contract yesterday. Late last night, I told him when we were preparing the—" He stopped mid-sentence. "You nearly had me say it. In twenty minutes, you'll see for yourself."
Sarah laughed. "I can wait. It's been a month already. What’s another twenty minutes? Who else knows? Becca promised she's not involved."
"Just me, Ethan, and Jake. Oh, and Mr. Henderson. But no women. So don't expect too many frills or flowers. You can go all out for the wedding."
Sarah waved a hand. "I'm not a frills kind of gal. Horse ribbons, maybe, but that's it."
Damien took a turn and headed toward Evergreen. What venue had Tommy chosen? Not a friend's place in Idaho Springs and not the local community hall. Sweet of Tommy to surprise her, but why a top-secret location?
Several minutes later, instead of cruising over the main streets of Evergreen, Damien drove past a row of country properties.