She dragged her cheeks into a sober expression. "Sorry."

"You are not." Man, she was adorable.

"I want to talk before—" she lifted her shoulder. "Before—you know."

"Before I'm allowed to kiss you again?" He raised a brow. "Sure. We do need to talk. It's a little crazy what's happening. I mean. I didn't ever think it was possible."

"You don’t understand, Tom." She kicked at the dirt and lowered her voice. "I thought you were Edward."

The air whooshed from his lungs. He was confused by her reaction the other night, but he assumed she was embarrassed. Oh, it all made sense now.

Tommy scratched at his chin. "Let me get this straight. You didn't recognize me at all? It was dark, but Sarah, come on. I know the scent of your perfume, the shampoo you wear. You didn’t . . . there was nothing at all familiar about me? "

"Kind of. But it all happened quickly." She touched her cheek, a hue of red on her skin.

"Your first kiss?"

She dipped her head and whispered, "Yes."

"Well, I don't regret anything. I'm glad you kissed me." He stepped closer, cupped her face, and rested his forehead on hers. "Aren't you?"

Those pale blue eyes gazed back at him. "Mmmm."

He brushed the back of his finger along her cheek. "Do I have permission to kiss you again, this time as Tommy Henderson?"

She giggled. "Tom, don't make fun of it. I feel so bad. Doesn't it bother you?”


“That I didn't know it was you."

"A little. But you can make it up to me. Kiss me until I beg for mercy."

She smiled and looked away for a moment, then met his gaze. "Okay, but I can't promise it will be as amazing as before."

"That first kiss, I wanted you to feel how much I adore you, Sarah. You're precious to me."

Sarah blinked repeatedly. "Don't make me cry. I've dreamed of this for so long."

She had?

Sarah palmed his face and drew him to her lips. He let her lead the way as she tenderly loved on him with every movement. His heart pounded against hers. Heat radiated from her body. Her fingers laced their way to the back of his neck as he swept his arms around her back, protecting Sarah from the rough surface of the tree. She gave into him and didn't hold back. Each caress, every touch, he felt its meaning, and her vulnerability undid him. His Sarah was opening her soul to him. He could almost cry himself. She was beautiful—kind, generous, sweet, caring—

Her hand slid down his neck and rested over his heart. He cupped her fingers there. She dragged her other hand to his shirt collar and pulled him closer. A gentle sigh hummed from her throat. He broke free from her lips and trailed kisses along her jawline before claiming her mouth once more. She deepened the kiss pleading for him to stay without words. But they needed to stop soon, or someone would find them behind the tree making out like teenagers.

He tried to slow the pace and bring her back to earth by stroking Sarah’s hair and arm. Taking her hands in his, he kissed her forehead and took in a deep breath. "I need oxygen."

She bit her bottom lip, bringing his attention back to her mouth. Man, puffy lips from too much kissing looked adorable on her. Every cell in his body was zinging for more. He’d waited for someone like Sarah for years. Someone faithful. Someone worth committing to. He didn't need to devour her in one day—she wasn't going anywhere.

"How did I do?” she whispered. “Thorough enough?"

He pulled her into a hug. "I can't believe this is happening. I'm so happy. I not only get to hug my best friend but also kiss her." He laughed into her hair.

The crunch of leaves made them jump apart. Someone approached. "Act normal." He winked. "Argh, yeah. So that's the role of a quarterback."

Sarah scrunched her brows, looking confused.

Mr. and Mrs. Baxter walked past, holding a picnic basket and folded chairs. The woman scanned Sarah. "Hello, dear." She eyed Tommy curiously. "Tommy."