"For sure."

Ethan steepled his fingers and kept looking between Damien and Tommy in deep concentration.

Tommy’s lips thinned.

Sarah snapped to attention when Kaitlyn slumped at the end of the booth and held her stomach. Her face drained of color.

Jake inched back. "Are you okay, honey?"

Kaitlyn shook her head, covering her mouth, and scurried toward the restrooms. Everyone looked at each other.

"What's wrong with Kaitlyn?" Ethan frowned.

Sarah sat upright. "Should I check on her?"

Jake nodded. "Thanks, Sarah."

Emily stood. "I'll go too."

"Why do women go in groups of two or three?" Damien asked.

Sarah ignored the comment and followed Emily to the women's restrooms. The sound of Kaitlyn retching echoed off the tiled walls.

Emily grimaced and whispered to Sarah, "Should we leave her alone?"

"Let's wait a minute."

Behind the stall, Kaitlyn continued to vomit. Thirty seconds later, she stopped.

Emily gently tapped the stall door. "We’re here if you need anything."

Kaitlyn croaked back, "I'll be okay. Feeling better already." The toilet flushed, and the door opened. Kaitlyn used toilet paper to wipe her mouth. She shuffled to the bathroom sink and washed her face.

Sarah scooped Kaitlyn’s dark hair away from her face as she rinsed her mouth and splashed water on her neck.

Kaitlyn stood and fanned her face. “Much better now."

Sarah took several paper towels and dabbed Kaitlyn’s cheeks and forehead.

Emily tilted her head. "Are you sick?”

Kaitlyn darted a glance between Emily and Sarah.

Emily placed a hand on her hip and smiled. “I think I know."

A small smile grew on Kaitlyn’s lips. "You guessed it."

Emily's eyes went wide, and she bounced on her toes. She grabbed Kaitlyn’s shoulders. "How many weeks?"

"Only six."

“Congratulations.” Emily hugged Kaitlyn. She pulled back. "Guess who else?"

Kaitlyn's brows shot sky-high. "You too?"

"We were going to wait and tell everyone after twelve weeks, but that's only three days away."

Kaitlyn pulled Emily back into a hug, and they both squealed, jumping in circles. Sarah watched the scene, astonished. Both of her friends were pregnant. Wow. Talk about fast. They both got married only five months ago. Sarah gave each of her friends a warm squeeze. “First, a double wedding, now we’ll have to have a double baby shower. Let me organize it for you both."