He beamed a smile. "You've changed a lot. What a beautiful woman you've become."
He nodded to Edward and stuck out a hand. "I'm Damien. Sarah and I go way back when we were all running around, climbing trees in the neighborhood."
Edward gritted a smile but didn’t shake Damien’s hand.
If Damien noticed the coldness, he sure didn’t show it. He focused back on her. "How's your riding school going?"
He made out like they were old friends. As kids, he hadn't paid any attention to her. Only on occasion when he and Tommy had pranked the girls during youth camp retreats.
"Business is growing." Sarah straightened in her chair.
Damien darted a glance to Edward before addressing her again. "I should sign up for some riding lessons. Always wanted to learn."
Tommy stood behind Damien baring his teeth in a Wallace-and-Gromit grin. What were these two up to?
"Sure. I have some afternoon slots available."
Damien smacked his hands. "Awesome." He placed an arm over Tommy's shoulder and brought him closer to face them. "You'll give us a friend's discount, won't you? Special treatment."
Edward let out a loud sigh beside her.
Sarah rushed her words. "Of course, you guys can get a discount. I'll call Tommy later and organize it."
Tommy seemed apologetic as he shifted on his feet, but Damien wasn’t getting the hint that she didn't want to talk with them right now.
"Tommy tells me Emily's got a new production at the theater. I'm staying in town for a while and was wondering if I could go with you. I assume you're her number one supporter, besides Ethan."
Seriously? Was Damien hitting on her in front of Edward?
Edward lowered his head into his hand, and she barely made out his words. "I can't believe this is happening."
Damien cleared his throat. "What do you say? Let's get a bite to eat before the show. We’ll catch up and reminisce about growing up in Clear Creek. I have so many good memories here."
Tommy scanned the ceiling, looked around the restaurant, his eyes darting anywhere but on her and Edward. Was this his doing? Surely not.
Sarah faced Edward. “Do you want to come with us? It’s a ballet of The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's in two weeks."
Edward's eyes brightened. "Sounds like fun."
Damien frowned at Tommy, a shadow passing over his features. In a flash, Damien turned a determined grin on Sarah. "Maybe I didn't communicate clearly." He offered a cheeky smile. "I meant as a date. Just you and me."
Wow. This guy. Did she have a severe case of ear wax? Could Damien be any bolder? Despite the rudeness of the situation, she couldn't help the smile playing on her lips. Kind of nice to be wanted. She bit the inside of her cheek.
“Go ahead.” Edward offered a small smile. "I don't mind. Catch up with your old friend. We can do something another time."
"Are you sure?"
She eyed Tommy, whose eyebrows rose to satellite levels. Sarah nodded at Damien. "I'd love to take you to the play. I'll get Emily to give you a tour of the green room and backstage."
"Can't wait." Damien mock bowed. "I'll let you two get back to your conversation." He patted Tommy on the back and nudged him to follow.
Tommy, all red-faced, glanced over his shoulder to Edward and mouthed the word, sorry.
Hmmm. Interesting.