Everything around me seems to be shifting, changing at what feels like lightning speed while I linger, muddling through and evading change. And I suddenly feel exhausted.

* * *

I spend the following week trudging through my classes. I can’t concentrate. The bomb that my mom had dropped in my lap over the weekend keeps replaying in my head. My mom has aboyfriend.And she wants me to meet him. Every time I think about that, my hands gravitate towards my face, gripping my temples as if to massage away the dread that comes over me thinking about meeting this boyfriend.

And on top of that, I’m still high from my rendezvous with Rhylan. I thought it would have dwindled down to a mere afterthought by now, but it hasn’t. I’m still thinking about him. It’s been almost a full week since I met him, and my fingers still find their way to my hand, caressing the parts where his lips had lightly touched it, reliving the moment he held my hand in his like a constant daydream.

Even as I sit in class today, having spent the entire hour not paying attention to the lecture, it’s all I can think about.

“Okay, class. We’ll stop here.” My attention is brought back to the small classroom as my professor announces the end of our class. “For now, I want you all to work on your critical essay. It will be about a piece of literature that you’ve been drawn to in a unique way. Make it personal! The guide to the essay is in your announcements. Email me if you have any questions.”

Everyone is rushing to gather their laptops and notebooks as they rush toward the door. We funnel towards the exit, and I find Claire leaning against the wall outside my classroom waiting for me.

“Ellie! Come with me to Starbucks. I need some coffee,” Claire requests. Both our classes are located right next to each other. At least one day during the week, we like to end our day with a late lunch or a quick coffee run before parting ways. Sometimes, it’s the only chance we get to see each other because of our busy, clashing schedules.

“Sure, I could use a pick-me-up. And I think it’s your turn to buy.” I smile at her.

“Fine,” she reluctantly agrees. “But I thinkyouowemea Frappuccino after the night you had with Rhylan Matthews.”

Her voice is so loud, and there are so many people around us, that I can feel a few heads turn at the mention of Rhylan’s name.

“Can you shush?” I whisper. “You’re going to start rumors that aren’t even true.”

“Well, youwerewith him,” she protests.

“Yeah, but not like you’re suggesting.”

“Whatever. You were off gallivanting with Rhylan Matthews, and I was stuck listening to how Michael Perry and Hugo met. Which actually was a really sweet story.”

I smile at her, linking my arm through hers.

“But if it were up to me, I would have switched places with you in a heartbeat.”

I roll my eyes as we step up to the glass doors of the Starbucks just walking distance from our classes. Once inside, we stand in line as we silently decide what to order. From the far corner, I see Austin leaning up against a wall, waiting for his drink while thoughtfully looking through his phone. When he looks up and sees me, he smiles brightly and waves.

“Who is that?” Claire asks, noticing our exchange.

“Just one of my classmates.”

“He’s cute,” she says, her tone suggestive.

I shrug in answer.

“But no Rhylan Matthews, huh?” she adds.

“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

“Do you know who you’re talking to?”

I nudge her before we dissolve into giggles, reminding me why we’re friends. It’s because of moments like this. How she manages to bring out a smile from me when I need it most. How she gives me these moments of contentment through laughter and friendly banter.

We get to the front of the line and place our orders. I brandish my credit card before she has a chance to take out her wallet.

“I got it,” I say to her.