By the time I pull into my driveway, I’ve squabbled with myself enough to realize how ridiculous it is thinking that there may have been something more between us. I bring myself back down to earth and gather my things, letting go of any future thoughts of myself and Rhylan.

As soon as I walk through the door, I find my mom sitting comfortably on the couch cuddled up to Angus. They both turn their heads in my direction as I quietly walk in.

My mom smiles as Angus eagerly sits up to greet me. “How was work?”

“Good, kind of boring.”

She pats my back as I snuggle up to Angus and inhale his scent. His warm fur feels so inviting, I want to fall asleep like this. He responds with a loud thump of his tail and a wet lick to my cheek.

“How about we order a pizza for dinner tonight? I’m kind of too lazy to cook,” she suggests, talking to my hunched-over back.

“Hmm,” I answer, still nose deep in Angus’s neck. I feel my mom shift on the couch, her hands smoothing across the blanket draped across her lap and her legs pushing deeper into the cushions.

“Um, Ellie? I’ve actually been wanting to talk to you.” She lowers the volume on the television. She sits up and lets out a small sigh, preparing herself to tell me whatever it is she’s about to say. “I’ve sort of started seeing someone.”

I sit up, the cold hitting my cheek from the absence of Angus’s fuzzy warmth. It takes me a moment to understand what she’s saying.

She’s seeing someone? How? And when did this happen?

“Who?” I ask, not even bothering to hide the confusion on my face. My mom doesn’tdate.

“I work with him. He’s a new associate at the office,” she explains.

I raise my brows and nod, still silent while trying to take in this bombshell news.

“We’ve been spending some time together. And, eventually, I’d like you to meet him. Eventually,” she repeats at the end.Eventually. Meaning inevitably.

“Oh,” I say.

“Is it weird?”

“I…” I utter before I remain silent.

“It’s okay, Ellie,” she finally says, smoothing her hand down my arm. “I’m not rushing into anything. I guess… Things were getting a little serious between us, and I wanted you to know.”

“How long has it been?” I ask. “Since you’ve been seeing him,” I add.

“Oh, maybe like… seven, eight months.”

“What!” I don’t mean to sound so surprised, but I can’t help it. She’s been keeping this from me forthislong? It really shouldn’t surprise me. Secrets and unspoken topics, along with big pink elephants strategically placed in each room, are how we live our lives. But still…

“Sorry,” I say more softly. “I guess I’m just a little surprised, that’s all.”

The TV remote in her hand rotates, her fingers gently running over the buttons. “It’s not just me wanting you to meet him. He wants to meet you too,” she says.

“Okay,” I finally say, forcing a small smile.


I nod and she smiles, a relieved shift evident in her sigh.

“I’m going to turn in early,” I say softly.

When her brows furrow inwards and a slight frown curves her lips downwards, I smile again, a little wider and brighter.

“It’s fine, Mom,” I assure. “I’m just tired.”

I almost imagine it, my mom whispering my name as I walk away, but I don’t turn around to face her. Instead, I continue my path to my room, my steps dragging heavier as I reach my door.