Once outside and on the other side of the stifling crowd, we don’t stop. He doesn’t let go of my hand either, which I’m all too aware of. We don’t stop walking until we’re in front of an excessively clean black SUV that he opens the door to, stepping aside for me to get in.

My eyes go from the interior of the car to Rhylan. His face turns grave, and I wonder if he’s having doubts. Second thoughts just like I have about him so impulsively asking me to leave with him. As I mull this over, I feel like my feet have been nailed to the ground.

He takes a step towards me, my face meeting his chest. He lowers his head so our eyes meet again.

“You can change your mind,” he says, his voice low and husky. “You can go back inside. I won’t stop you.”

I don’t answer. His face is so close to mine, just inches away. No matter how deep the pensiveness is stretched on his face from his knitted brows and tense jaw, he keeps his eyes on mine.

I shake my head, but it’s so slight. All it does is express my uncertainty.

“But…” His voice trails off. “I would like it if you didn’t… change your mind.”

When he pulls away, his eyes still bore into mine. I don’t realize I’m holding my breath until he finally looks away, his gaze settling past me back towards the entrance to the hotel with his hand leaning up against the frame of the car. My breathing finally steadies before I move into the car. I carefully step up to the raised step and slide all the way to the other side.

He follows suit, lightly slamming the door shut before facing me.

“I–I, um,” he stammers, releasing a breath before collecting his words. “We won’t go far. And I’ll take you home whenever you’re ready to leave.” For some reason, there’s a strain in his voice. But he doesn’t sound nervous or scared but more virtuous. Like he’s more worried about gaining my trust than about escaping the chaos we’ve just shaken free of.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask gently.

He finally smiles, his face softening. “I want to show you LA. At night.”

“LA?” I ask, confused. “I’ve seen LA. Actually, I’ve seen it every night for the past twenty-two years.”

“Not this side of LA.” No other explanation follows.

My phone vibrates in my purse in sequential buzzes, indicating multiple messages rattling through, and I know it’s Claire. I quickly read the messages that are flashing on my screen, confirming my assumption that Claire is the one who’s blowing up my phone.

Claire:Where did you go?

Claire:Are you seriously with Rhylan fucking Matthews?!

Claire:Ellie! Answer me now!!

I punch out a quick message to Claire, telling her I’ll call her later and to head on home without me.

The car starts moving right after Rhylan leans forward and whispers to the driver what I assume is an address or directions. Not knowing how to fill the silence as we sit quietly during the drive, we both stare out the window, occasionally stealing glances at each other but avoiding eye contact. From the corner of my eye, I watch his strong, masculine hands as they fidget, clenching and unclenching against the leather of the seat. His hands go to his lap, running against his thighs, causing friction as they rub against the fabric.

After a drive that consists of winding roads and frequent turns, we come to a stop atop a hill overlooking the city. Rhylan steps out from his side of the car as the driver pulls to a stop and waits patiently for me to exit. I follow him out the same door and come face to face with Los Angeles.

I close my eyes and inhale, the cold air filling my lungs like cool spearmint. Refreshing and icy. It’s so dark, I can barely see my feet in front of me. So I move slowly, my uncomfortable heels adjusting to the uneven dirt and gravel. And then I see the twinkle of the city in the far distance. The beautiful side of Los Angeles that only comes out at night. It’s like a dark lake, still and quiet, reflecting the moonlight along the ripples. A gentle reminder that maybe I wasn’t meant to be left drowning in the dark. Maybe I was meant to shine, to radiate through life instead of merely fading away.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

My thoughts are interrupted. I turn to look at Rhylan, the breeze carrying my hair in the same direction. Even through the dark, I can see the lights bouncing off his pale eyes looking at me as he marvels at the view in front of him. He clenches his jaw as he lowers his head and looks up at me, peering through the veil of his hair.

He smiles, the corners of his mouth perking up before he speaks. “I come up here a lot when I need to get away from everything. It helps me clear my head when I feel like I'm suffocating. It’s hidden from tourists and people in general, so it works in my favor.”

I nod and smile in understanding. “It’s beautiful. I’ve lived in Southern California all my life and I’ve never been here,” I say with a wistful tone.

“I did a lot of touristy things when I first moved to LA. I was getting used to the city, and I found a lot of little gems like this along the way,” he explains.

“You’re not from here?”

“No, I grew up just outside of Reno,” he answers.

“Where’s that?” I ask.