His eyebrows lifted. ‘My innate sense of justice?’

‘It’s not as if you’re acting out of any particular concern for my welfare, is it?’

‘Why wouldn’t I be?’

‘Because you can’t be any more concerned with my welfare than I am with yours.’

He looked a bit taken aback by that and I regretted being quite so honest, but it was nothing but the truth and I couldn’t quite bring myself to apologise.

‘Was there something you wanted, Amelia?’

I shook off the twinge of something that felt oddly like disappointment—ridiculous when I didn’t evenwanthim to be concerned about me or vice versa—and reminded myself of why I’d sought him out. ‘I thought we might take this opportunity to go through your report.’


‘If you’re not busy with something else.’

His response, when it came, was lukewarm. ‘I suppose it has to be done at some point.’


In response to Nick’s muttered, ‘Have a seat,’ I sat down while he fiddled around on his computer. As the printer began spewing out pages, I thought about the icy tone with which he’d issued his instructions to his head of PR and the strangely fierce expression he’d adopted when he’d clearly noted I’d been upset.

For the briefest of moments he’d looked as if he’d wanted to rip things apart with his bare hands and I couldn’t help wondering as I watched him gather up the sheets and staple them together what it would be like to have someone who offered that level of unwavering support on your side, who instinctively fought your corner. A person might be able to achieve anything they wanted with that kind of backing. They could try everything, secure in the knowledge they’d have the best of safety nets if it all went wrong, and figure out at leisure who they really were and where they fitted in the world.

Not that I’d ever experience anything like that. Until I overcame my trust, self-esteem and guilt issues—which were so deep-rooted they were now an integral part of me and therefore pretty damn insurmountable—it simply wouldn’t happen. And that was fine. Self-reliance wasmysafety net. My only one, sure, but an excellent one nonetheless. So there was no point wishing things were different or envying those for whom relationships were easy. I just had to get on with things and focus on a future that would take up all my time and require all my energy anyway.

Nick handed me a copy of his report and then folded his large frame into the seat on his side of the desk. ‘Have you read it?’


‘Shall I summarise?’

‘Please do.’

Flicking back and forth between the pages with one hand while spinning a pen around his fingers of his other, he started by reiterating my wishes and then moved on to his suggestions for facilitating them. From there, he segued into a complicated and detailed description of suitable investment options and products and the deployment of fiendishly clever fiscal vehicles and mechanisms, which I followed for a while until my fascination with his mouth took over and zoned me out.

Mesmerised by the way it moved, I could hardly take my eyes off it. His lips came together, then parted to reveal the flash of white teeth and a tantalising glimpse of his tongue, and did it all on repeat. How had I never noticed its sensuality before? Because it generally took the form of a grim flat line whenever he turned in my direction? Or on occasion, curled into a faint twist of disapproval? And why did I suddenly long to know how it would feel—hard and passionate on mine or light and teasing as it travelled over my skin?


At the terse delivery of my name, I blinked and came to, snapping my gaze up to his and battling the violent blush I could feel sweeping right through me. ‘Yes?’

‘I asked if you had any questions.’

Questions? About what? I hadn’t taken in a word. But he didn’t need to know that. Nor, thank God, since I was still wearing my sunglasses, could he have any idea I’d been transfixed by his mouth.

Sternly reminding myself to focus on the reason I was sitting opposite him, I took a deep breath, banished the feverish heat from my body and pulled myself together. ‘No,’ I said with a brief nod and a cool smile. ‘No questions. That all seems very comprehensive. Very thorough. I’d expect nothing less from the best. Although given your competence in this area, I am somewhat surprised you haven’t yet found me an island.’

‘It’s been a week,’ he said bluntly. ‘I work fast, but not that fast.’

‘My fake advisors found me one within three days.’

He arched one dark eyebrow. ‘And you didn’t find that unlikely?’

‘Funnily enough, the private island real estate market isn’t something I’m an expert on.’

‘Which was why you were such an easy target.’