Page 39 of Kairo's Billionaire

“Kairo!” Isidore’s voice broke out in a cry. Kairo quickly covered his mouth to catch the rest of the scream of pleasure. Hot cum splashed across his hand and stomach while the cock in his hand swelled and pulsed with his orgasm.

Isidore’s strokes on Kairo’s dick grew jerky and lost their rhythm, but it didn’t matter. Feeling Isidore snap and lose all control was enough to send Kairo over the edge. He groaned and came so fucking hard the world whited out.

When the world came back into focus, Isidore’s sweaty forehead was pressed to his own while each panted breath brushed against his sore lips. That had been fast. But then, he’d been about to come in his shorts like a fucking teenager from frotting and a lot of hungry, desperate kissing. Isidore fried all of his brain cells and left him aching for more.

“That…wow…” Isidore slurred, sounding almost drunk. “I want…want to say something…witty…like about customer service and how you treat all your clients, but I’m not getting enough blood to my brain to be funny.”

Kairo released Isidore and sat up so he could pull his T-shirt off. He used it to gently wipe Isidore’s groin, stomach, and hand clean before taking care of himself. Isidore dropped onto his back and smiled up at him with the most adorable, crooked smile. The light creeping in through the window was brighter. Dawn was approaching, but they likely had enough time to catch a few more hours of sleep.

After pulling his shorts into place, Kairo tucked the blanket around Isidore and rolled onto his stomach. With one arm slung across Isidore’s stomach, he brushed a kiss to his shoulder. “Isidore, I have never so much as kissed a client before, but I don’t see you as a client.”

Isidore hummed softly. “Your kidnapper, then?”

Kairo huffed a laugh and nibbled on Isidore’s shoulder. “I’ve never kissed a kidnapper. Or given one a hand job.”

“So I’m special.”

“Isidore, you are so very special to me.”

Isidore turned his head to stare at Kairo, his eyes narrowed slightly as if he were trying to clearly see him in the gray darkness. “Why don’t you call me Izzie? I figured you called me Isidore to keep some distance between us.”

Smiling, Kairo leaned close and pressed a delicate kiss to his tender lips. “Everyone calls you Izzie, but I’m not everyone. I call you Isidore because I look at you, I see a beautiful man who is worthy of such a beautiful name. You aremyIsidore.”



How washe supposed to act the next morning?

There were far too few “next days” in his life, but he’d always imagined them filled with cuddles under rumpled sheets washed in the sun’s early golden light. Or maybe secret smiles and little touches shared over coffee and breakfast before they both had to go their separate ways for work.

Instead, he woke to find he was sprawled across Kairo’s bed while the man in question was already missing. Isidore started to reach for his phone to check the time only to recall belatedly that he was still without a phone. After so many weeks, you would think he’d be accustomed to its absence, but no. He missed his phone.

However, this now raised the important and scary conundrum. It was the morning after. Other people were going to be awake. Had anyone heard them last night? Did anyone know that he hadn’t slept in his bed?

His original intention had been to sneak out of Kairo’s bed and back into the one he was sharing with Athena while she was still asleep. That way she’d never know. But after that amazing orgasm, he’d slept like the freaking dead.

Athena would probably know he’d slept somewhere else, unless she thought he’d just risen before her. He didn’t think she’d just announce her suspicions. Unless she was afraid that he was missing from the house entirely.


No. She’d suspect. She’d at least check with Kairo first before screaming to all who could hear that her brother was missing.

Was he supposed to act like nothing happened? Kairo had stated that he wanted to try dating, but that didn’t mean Kairo wanted him to walk up and kiss him good morning in front of all of his friends. That was exactly what he wanted to do, though. He wanted the entire world to know that Kairo Jones belonged to him and him alone.

Shit again.

When Kairo said he was open to dating, did that mean that he also intended to date other people at the same time? He didn’t like the idea of potentially sharing Kairo with anyone else, but it wasn’t fair to make demands of monogamy when they were still getting to know each other.

They definitely had more they needed to talk about. Lots.

Hopefully, this part would be quick and easy so they could move on to more interesting things like Kairo’s favorite foods, the types of music he listened to, and his top ten favorite movies. Oh! And books! Did Kairo like to read?

Isidore jumped out of bed with a burst of energy. For now, he would follow Kairo’s lead. If he didn’t feel comfortable sharing their new dating status with his friends, he would give him the space to grow comfortable with it. They still had a lot of work ahead of them to get Isidore and Athena out of danger and back into their normal lives.

After freshening up in the bathroom, Isidore strolled down the stairs to find everyone in the kitchen or lounging about the dining room table. There were dirty plates and half-empty coffee mugs. Apparently they’d been up for a while and had already eaten breakfast. His cheeks heated as all the eyes turned toward him.

Of course, his own gaze zeroed in straight on Kairo, who was standing at the sink, loading dishes into the dishwasher while Westin helped to gather up all the remaining dishes and bring them to Kairo.