Page 93 of A Love Like That

She nodded, and Elle tensed beside me. “It seems rather intimate for a brother-in-law to gift his wife’s younger sister.”

I wasn’t sure a charm would qualify as intimate. And it definitely wasn’t as intimate as the pearl necklace I really wanted to give Elle. I got hot just thinking about my come marking her skin.

“Intimate?” Elle laughed, dragging me away from my thoughts. “It’s a charm for a necklace.”

She was right, but I had a feeling we were no longer discussing the charm.

“Yes, but what message is it sending, especially to the children?” She stared at Elle as if trying to read her body for any cues. “I’m concerned that they’re getting confused.”

Were they confused? Had I grown too lax about my relationship with Elle around the children? If Gloria suspected something, did Maddox and Savannah? I didn’t think so, but I hated that I even had to wonder.

Wanting to defuse the situation, I said, “Savannah and Maddox picked the poppy charm because it reminded them of Ellie. And they wanted to give her a piece of California to take with her.”

“So, you’re still intent on going, then?” Dan asked, his attention on Elle.

“Yes,” Elle said. “I purchased my plane tickets, and I have a guaranteed spot.”

Fuck.I rubbed a spot on my chest. I didn’t want to think about it. Couldn’t think about her leaving, even if I knew it was best for her.

“That’s great, honey,” he said. But Gloria merely shook her head, her disapproval clear.

“Is it?” Gloria asked in a snarky tone.

Elle ran a hand through her hair. “I would’ve thought you’d be happy that I’m leaving, considering yourconcernfor the children.”

Gloria paused, her eyes glued to Elle’s necklace once more. The charms had shifted so the disk with the kids’ and my initials was in front. “What isthat?”

“What?” Elle glanced around.

“That disk.” Her tone was sharp. Her features drawn. “That’sTeresa’scharm,” Gloria seethed. “You shouldn’t be wearing that. Take it off.Now.”

“Now, Gloria—” Dan placed his hand on her shoulder.

“No.” She flung away his hand. “Don’t touch me. You wouldn’t understand. Your—” Her eyes flared with anger, and I wasn’t sure I followed.

Dan huffed and stood, retreating to the bar.

I was determined to put an end to this. “I gave her the charm.”

Gloria took a moment to compose herself then narrowed her eyes at me. “I don’t know what is going on between you two, but whatever it is, it needs to stop.”

Neither of us said anything. What could we say?

But Gloria wasn’t done. “Eleanor, you’re moving in with us until you leave for Japan.”

“I will do no such thing,” Elle said in a steely voice that both surprised me and made me proud. “The only reason I’m still in the AV is because of Tristan and the kids. And I’m not moving out unless Tristan wants me to.” She turned to me.

I shook my head, wanting desperately to hold her hand beneath the table. To remind her that we were a united front. To show her how much I valued and loved her.

“I want you to stay,” I said, and I didn’t just mean for the summer. “The kids want you to stay.”

Elle softened, relaxing at my words. She gave a barely perceptible nod, but it put me at ease all the same.

Meanwhile, Gloria looked as if steam might shoot out of her ears at any moment. It was kind of funny, actually, watching her attempt to retain some composure even as she was about to fucking lose it. I was even more grateful the kids weren’t around.

“Then you will at least remove that charm,” Gloria said in an imperious tone, making demands she had no right to. “It’s perverse. To wear the initials of your sister’s husband and children? What will people think?”

“Who cares?” I asked. “I doubt anyone will realize it belonged to Tessa.”