Page 91 of A Love Like That

My body tensed at her words. It didn’t seem to matter how many times I told Elle she was amazing; her mom always found a way to tear her down. I didn’t understand why Gloria was so nasty. After losing Tessa, I would’ve thought Gloria would be more determined to have a good relationship with her only surviving child. But the opposite seemed true.

“Why don’t you say something to her? Tell her how you feel.”

Elle shook her head, her lips drawn. “What would be the point? It won’t change anything.”

I hated the idea of someone as amazing as Elle being so…defeated. I wrapped my arms around her from behind. While I could’ve tried to spank her into submission, I had a feeling that wasn’t what she needed.

“You never seem to have any issue standing up to me.”

She leaned her head against me, and I reveled in the feel of her. “That’s because you’re different. You make me feel safe.”

I kissed the top of her head. I was glad she felt safe with me. And I understood what she meant because I felt safe to be myself with her in a way I hadn’t in the past. I could embrace my darker desires. I could have fun with them because I knew we were both on the same page.

“We’ll leave as soon as we can. And—” I pressed my lips to the skin behind her ear “—I promise I’ll make you forget all about it later.”

“Mm. I look forward to it.” She turned in my arms so she was facing me.

She slid her hand down my chest, and I loved the easy familiarity of her touch. It was effortless, just like having her in our lives.

I leaned forward to kiss her, just as Savannah yelled, “Dad! Have you seen my silver glitter shoes?”

I backed away and mouthed, “Later,” my heart pounding as the kids raced down the stairs. That was a little too close.

“I think they’re in the laundry room,” Elle said, her cheeks flushed.

“Oh yeah.” Savannah darted in that direction. “Thanks.”

“Ready?” I asked a minute later, and we all headed to the car.

When we arrived at Fall River Estates, the hostess led us to our usual table. Dan hugged the kids and Elle before shaking my hand. Gloria smiled and hugged the kids, kissing Ellie’s cheeks with a cold, detached expression.

The waiter quickly took our order, and the kids started talking about Disneyland almost immediately. The longer they talked, the more the tension gathered at the table, like a storm picking up speed. Especially when they shifted to talking about our family outing to Bouncing Off the Walls to celebrate Elle’s birthday.

“Mm. Yes,” Gloria said, taking a sip of her wine. “You two caused quite the stir. Getting kicked out of the inflatable jump place. Really?” Gloria tsked and shook her head.

Elle and I glanced at each other and frowned. Sure, things had gotten a little out of hand. And yes, we’d been asked to leave the premises after an unfortunate incident with a large inflatable cactus. But how did Gloria know?

The answer dawned on me just as Gloria said, “It was inThe Vine.”

“Oh lord.” Elle rolled her eyes as she toyed absently with the charms on her necklace.

Gloria’s eyes caught on the movement, but then the waiter returned to remove our plates and refill our drinks. Before he could ask about dessert, a chorus of waiters advanced on the table with Asher at the front. He carried a plate of éclairs topped with a candle as everyone sang “Happy Birthday” along with him.

I wasn’t sure whether to be grateful for the interruption or annoyed with Asher as he winked at Elle. He set the plate in front of her, leaning in to whisper something in her ear. And it took everything in me to keep my cool. To stay calm and act as if I didn’t care.

Elle blew out the candle, and then the waiters returned to the kitchen. Asher stayed behind.

“I can’t even—” Elle shook her head, her eyes glued to the plate, admiring the purple-iced éclairs topped with edible purple and white flowers. “These are too pretty.”

“They’re lemon-lavender éclairs,” Asher said. “It’s a flavor I’ve been wanting to try. Unique, sweet, and a little tart. Just like you.”

I gnashed my teeth but remained silent.That fucker.

“Would you mind taking a picture with me for my Instagram?” Elle asked Asher.

“I’d love to,” he said as she handed me her phone.

Asher placed his arm on her lower back while Elle smiled and held up the plate of pastries. All the while, I wondered if this was what it would be like in the future. She was only mine for a little longer, but the idea of Elle with anyone else made me want to break something. She belonged with me.