The past few months, I’d grown accustomed to avoiding the pictures of my sister. And while Tristan had slowly removed some of them, Tessa still had a very visible presence in the house. It was bittersweet, honestly. The pictures of Tessa and the kids. Tessa and Tristan.
But now that Piper had pointed them out, the doubts started creeping back in. If Tessa and Tristan had always been the golden couple, what did that make me?
The other woman, my mother’s voice whispered.A dirty little secret—guess that’s genetic. You’ll always be a secret.
Piper placed her hand on my shoulder, and I startled. “You okay?”
I nodded, grateful that Tristan was too busy talking to Sumner to notice. Sumner was gushing over the family photos, the lighting and the setting.
“That’s all Wren. A local photographer,” he said.
“I can introduce you later,” I said, wondering how long Piper and Sumner were in town. And were theytryingto call Tristan’s attention to Tessa? “I did a shoot with them. Little Bird Studios on Instagram.”
“That’s right,” Sumner said. “Those photos were gorgeous.”
“Thanks.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tristan smile, and I knew he was pleased that I’d accepted the compliment instead of trying to downplay it as I might’ve in the past.
Sumner glanced at Piper. “You ready?”
“Ready for what?” I asked, trepidation marking my tone.
“To celebrate your twenty-first birthday! Now, come on.” Sumner grabbed my hand, tugging me toward the door.
Tristan chuckled. “Be safe.”
When we reached the front door, Piper wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “We’ll take good care of the birthday girl, promise.”
They headed for the car, but before I could follow, Tristan said, “Elle, you forgot something.”
They grinned and continued on, while I returned to the house. “What?” I asked as he shut the front door behind me.
He grabbed my hips and pulled me to him roughly. “This.” He claimed my lips, his touch grounding me while sending me soaring. “Have fun and be safe. Call if you need anything.”
I panted, still reeling from his kiss. Still wanting more.
“Thank you for my surprise. Though I have to admit, I was really looking forward to being alone.” I pouted.
“Soon.” He grinned, referring to our upcoming trip to the cabin. “Have fun with your friends. They wanted to do this for you, and it might be your last chance to see them before you leave for Japan.”
I nodded, knowing he was right but hating it all the same. It was difficult to give up alone time with Tristan, especially knowing how limited it was.
“Now, go have fun. You deserve it.” When I dipped my head in response, he immediately lifted my chin so our eyes met. “Tell me.”
I hesitated a moment even though I knew what he wanted to hear. Then finally, I said, “I am amazing.”
“I already know that,” he said. “Now, make me believeyoudo.”
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes briefly. The more I said it, the easier it became. Yet part of me still doubted it was the truth. “I am amazing, and I deserve this.”
“Better.” He leaned in to kiss the skin behind my ear.
I angled my head to grant him access, sparks dancing along my skin from his touch. He kissed his way down my neck, stopping just above my dress.
“Don’t stop,” I pleaded.
“Your friends are waiting. But oh, the things I want to do to you.”
I squeezed my thighs together, but it did nothing to stem the growing ache. “Tonight?”