Page 77 of A Love Like That

She nodded, her hair still pulled aside. I’d been aching to touch Elle all day. It was odd sometimes—being so close to her yet being unable to touch her most of the time. Talk about torture.

“Because it can also mean ‘I dream of you.’” I pressed my lips to her neck, goose bumps rising along her skin.

“Mm.” She turned, glancing at the upstairs landing before grasping my belt loops and pulling me closer. “What kind of dreams do you have, Mr. Lockwood?” Her voice was breathy, eyes hooded.

“The kind where we can spend a weekend in bed.”

She groaned. “That sounds like heaven.”

Sneaking around was hot, but unlimited time together alone in bed sounded even better.

Fortunately, it didn’t have to remain a dream. I’d been working on a plan. “Would you want to go away with me for a weekend?”

She blinked a few times, her skin warm against mine. “You’re serious?”

I could hear the excitement in her voice, but hesitation too. Did she not want to go?

“Yes, princess.” I kissed her cute little nose when she wrinkled it. “What?”

She laughed. “Why do you call me ‘princess’?”

“Partly because the kids think you look like a Disney princess, which I tend to agree with. But also, because you deserve to be spoiled. Cherished. Treasured.”

“But not rescued, right?” She narrowed her eyes, daring me to challenge her.

“Never. You’re a modern princess. Like Elsa.”

She gasped, slapping my chest playfully. “Are you calling me an ice queen?”

I chuckled. “Okay. Anna, then.”

“Would that make you Sven?” she asked with a contemplative expression.

I scowled. “Sven?” The reindeer. “Seriously?”

She laughed then said, “Tell me more about this dream weekend. What about the kids?”

I loved that Maddox and Savannah were Elle’s first concern. It reassured me that she would always put their needs first, regardless of what happened between us.

“My parents got some crazy last-minute deal for Disney, so I was thinking we could go then.”

“Go?” She tilted her head. “Where are we going? I thought we were staying in bed all weekend?”

“It’s a surprise,” I rasped against the shell of her ear.

She lit up. “Oh, I do adore surprises. And the kids are going to love Disney. Have you told them yet?”

I shook my head, holding a finger to her lips. “It’s a secret.”

“Part of me wishes I could go with them.”

I chuckled. “You’d rather go to Disney with the kids than spend a weekend alone with me?”

She screwed up her lips. “Hmm. That is a tough choice. I mean, it would help if I knewwhereyou were taking me.”

“I promise to take you to Disney someday. And I promise you’ll love where we’re going,” I said, hoping Liam and Penny didn’t have plans to visit their cabin in Bear Creek that weekend. If they did, I’d have to find something else.

“I’m sure I will.” She smiled. “Since I’ll get to be alone with you.”