Page 46 of A Love Like That

Liam clapped a hand on my shoulder. “I think we’re all just wondering what’s going on? Last week, you had us meet at Faulty Brewing for a tour and tasting. And now you have this sexy new look.” He smoothed his hand over my jawline. “Damn.” He grabbed my chin, turning my head side to side. “Lookin’ good, Lockwood.”

I laughed and stepped out of his hold, accepting the beer Asher had slid toward me. Just thinking about Ellie giving me a haircut had my cock straining against my zipper. She’d been so caring and sexy. God, she was sexy. I’d had to keep my eyes closed when she was cutting my hair so I wouldn’t stare at her tits. I’d had to force myself to mentally write lines of code so I wouldn’t try to kiss her.

I kept telling myself to leave her alone. To let it be. But if anything, my need for Ellie was getting worse.

Yes, I was physically attracted to her, but it was more than that. It was the way she made me feel. Special. Cared for. Loved. Not just when she was cutting my hair, but all the time.

And then when I saw my reflection, I’d actually recognized myself in the mirror. Or at least, a glimmer of my old self. And it was all thanks to Ellie.

Bennett took a seat on one of the barstools across from me. “Looks like the AV’s hottest bachelor is finally trying to live up to his name.”

I nearly snorted at the moniker. I might have been labeled “AV’s hottest bachelor” byThe Vine, but I was definitely not back on the market. If I was being honest, all I really wanted to do was go home and watch Disney movies with Elle and the kids.

“So does this mean you’re back in the game?” Liam asked. “Because according toThe Vine, you’ve been helping the women of the AV with all sorts of ‘needs.’”

I rolled my eyes. I was never going to live that post down. My friends could give me shit about it, but I was more concerned with what Ellie thought.

“Since when are you the AV’s hottest bachelor?” Asher griped, tossing one beer in the recycling bin before grabbing another. His sullen expression would’ve been comical were it not so surprising.

He had millions of followers on social media. People traveled to the AV from all over the world just to eat his pastries. He was famous. Me? Well, I preferred to fly under the radar.

I didn’t do social media because I’d seen the dark side of tech. I didn’t care about followers or fame. The mere idea of being featured inThe Vinemade me uncomfortable.

“Since when do you care?” Liam asked Asher.

“Seriously, though,” Bennett said to me, sipping his beer. “I’m happy that you’re putting yourself back out there and trying new things.”

I lifted a shoulder, not wanting to make it into a bigger deal than it was. This was a night out with friends. Nothing more.

“How’s Wren?” I asked, ready for a change of subject.

Bennett’s expression softened, love filling his eyes. “She’s doing great. She’s so excited about the baby. We both are.”

For once, I didn’t feel a pang of jealousy. I didn’t feel a crush of sadness. I felt nothing but happiness for my friend. It was…nice.

“Yeah. Ellie mentioned some of Wren’s plans for the nursery. She’s really been enjoying hanging out with Wren and Harper. I’m glad she has more friends in town.”

She had her online friends—Piper and Sumner—but they lived in LA. And Lizzie, of course. But I was grateful that Harper and Wren had been so welcoming, not that I was surprised. They really seemed to appreciate Ellie’s input, and I hoped that gave Ellie more confidence in herself and the value of what she had to offer.

“They adore Ellie.” He smiled. “River too. He cannot stop talking about Ellie’s makeup tutorials.”

I laughed. “Yeah. She’s talented.”

I’d never admit this, but I’d watched way too many of them myself. Not for the makeup tips, no. I was fascinated by Ellie. By her creativity and artistry. By the incredible transformations she regularly accomplished.

While Ellie was naturally beautiful, I loved how she really went for it. How different she could look based on the colors she chose or the way she wore her hair. She was like a beautiful chameleon. But instead of blending into the background, she stood out.

Her online persona was so…different from the woman she presented in person. I’d catch glimmers of it, especially when she was alone with the kids and me. The confidence and strength, the playful and tenacious woman. But I wanted more of it. I wanted Ellie to feel confident enough to be as bold in person with everyone as she was online.

Liam smiled wistfully. “Sometimes I can see Tessa in Ellie’s expressions.”

Bennett nodded. “Which is crazy, right? Since Ellie was adopted. But I think it’s their shared mannerisms.”

“Their personalities are different, though. I can never imagine Tessa moving to Japan or getting a tattoo,” Asher mused.

I clenched my jaw. I didn’t like the idea of Asher—or anyone—looking at Ellie so closely. Or comparing her to Tessa. They were sisters, family, not competition.

Though I had to agree with him about the personality thing. They were both wonderful in their own way, but it was interesting to note the differences all the same. Where Tessa hated surprises, Ellie loved them. Tessa was calm and patient, a steady, nurturing presence. Ellie was fun and expressive, caring in her own unique way. She’d be a great mom someday.