Page 41 of A Love Like That

“Okay,” I said, dragging out the word, hoping he’d elaborate.

“I have a meeting with a potential investor coming up.”

“That’s great.”

“It is if it works out. If it doesn’t, I’ll be spending July Fourth on a superyacht.” His expression was surprisingly glum for how fabulous that sounded.

I frowned. “You don’t sound excited.”

“It’s just another dog and pony show. They both are. But now you understand why the haircut is both important and time-sensitive.”

I nodded slowly. Yeah. Right? No pressure. “Um, you definitely should seek professional help. With your hair, I mean,” I tacked on quickly. “Though there’s nothing wrong with seeking help regarding grief or…whatever.”Shut up, Ellie!

He tilted his head, his eyes questioning.

I knew the kids attended trauma counseling; I’d taken them to some of their appointments. But I wasn’t sure if Tristan had someone to talk to. I hoped he did. I hoped he knew he could confide in me.

He let out a deep breath as he glanced toward the ceiling. “I wish I could wave a magic wand and know how to help Maddox. He was always closer to Tessa, and I hate not being able to comfort him. I thought it would improve with time, but…”

I placed my hand on his shoulder but quickly retracted it. “It’ll get easier.” When he peered up at me with skepticism, I nodded and said, “It will.”

Over the time that I’d been living here, I’d seen a big improvement in the way Tristan interacted with the kids. He was more lighthearted. More carefree. He was trying.

“If it’s gotten easier, it’s only because you’re here. You’re the only person besides Savannah he’ll allow to hold him. But I worry that when you leave—” He shook his head, and I could see the concern in his eyes. The gratitude too.

I didn’t want to think about when I’d leave. I spent a lot of time activelynotthinking about when I’d leave. I was going to miss those kids—and their dad—like crazy. But I didn’t say that.

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by asking you to give me a haircut. It’s just—” His attention was on the floor, lips downturned. “Tessa always cut my hair. It’s part of the reason I haven’t—”

“Ah.” I angled my head back in understanding. I hadn’t realized… “I wish I could help, but I have zero experience. Well, apart from a botched attempt at cutting my bangs last summer.”

“I’m sure it wasn’tthatbad.”

“Oh no.” I shook my head with a laugh, remembering just how terrible it was. “I bet Maddox could’ve done a better job.”

I pulled up a picture on my phone. He winced, but I knew it was all in jest.

“Hm. Maybe I shouldn’t trust you with my hair.” I could tell from the way the corner of his mouth lifted that he was teasing.

I crossed my arms over my chest as he continued to stare at the screen. “Exactly.”

“Oh please, Ellie. You look beautiful there. Even if you decided to shave your head, you’d be beautiful.”

I pulled my lips between my teeth and tried not to read too much into his words. I needed to focus on my degree and Japan, not get distracted by Tristan.

My classes had been kicking my butt lately, and remote learning in a completely different time zone while watching my niece and nephew was harder than I’d anticipated. I loved them, and I was grateful for this time together. But I missed my sister; we all did.

Though I wondered what was up with Tristan lately. He’d stopped wearing his wedding ring. He touched me in small ways nearly any chance he got. And I was just as bad, making any excuse to be close to him. But we were friends. Friends who lived together. Who were raising his children together—temporarily.

Besides, even if we did pursue something more, what would happen if it didn’t end well? That could get awkward really fast. I’d have to find somewhere else to live for a few months. Or worse still, stay here while pretending everything was fine for the kids. None of which sounded appealing.

“When someone gives you a compliment,” he said, “you should say thank you.”

“Thank you,” I said in a flippant tone. I felt exposed.Seen.

He shook his head, stepping closer. Invading my space. “You’re beautiful, Ellie.”

I stared at the floor, but he grasped my chin, lifting my gaze to his. His expression was expectant, so I whispered, “Thank you.”