Page 12 of A Love Like That

“An elegant solution.” I nodded, thinking it was, indeed. “I’m so happy I can help. Just tell me what you need from me.” I reached out and touched his forearm.

His eyes darkened, and then the moment passed just as quickly as it had come. But my body was still ablaze from that simple look. I got the feeling that moving back to the AV was going to be challenging, but not for the reasons I’d expected.


I slid a check across the counter. “For the first week.”

“What? No.” Ellie ignored the check and pushed it back to me. “I don’t expect you to pay me. Letting me live here and spend time with my niece and nephew is more than generous.”

I shook my head. “I insist. Please.”

“How are you envisioning this working?” she asked, clearly ignoring my offer.

“They’re in school now, which is good since I know you have class yourself. If you could help me pick them up sometimes. Help them get ready in the morning, that kind of thing.”

She leaned her hip against the counter. “Yeah. No problem.”

“You’ll have to let me know what your availability is for spring break since it’s coming up, and I’m guessing you’ll still have class.”

“We’ll figure it out,” she said, and I felt myself relaxing at her confidence.

I dragged a hand through my hair. “And then in the summer, I’ll sign them up for some day camps. Savannah’s been talking about an overnight camp, but I don’t know if she’s ready for it.”

“Oh man, I loved overnight camp when I was her age. I know you didn’t ask for my advice. But if she’s excited, maybe you should let her go.”

“Okay.” I chuckled. “MaybeI’mnot ready for it.”

“What about Maddox?”

“I need to look into day camps for him—he loves space. And my parents want to take both of them to Disney at some point for a few days.”


“Does all of that sound okay?”

“Yeah. Of course. I’d be happy to help research camps and sign them up for any you approve.”

“Really?” It sounded too good to be true.

“Absolutely.” She slid a hand through her purple tresses.

“You sound way too excited by the prospect.”

She laughed. “Dorky, right?”

“Nah.” It wasn’t dorky; it was endearing. And incredibly helpful.

“And if you ever want to go out with your friends orwhatever,” she said, her eyes darting to the side. Cheeks pinkening. “I’m happy to stay with the kids.”

Or whatever.Did she mean dating?

The back door swung open, saving me from a response. The kids came running inside, Rex trotting behind them. Ellie crouched down to pet Rex, and her sweatshirt gaped at the neck.

Was that a tattoo?

My eyes were drawn lower still. Her breasts strained against something hot pink and lacy, and I forced myself to look away. What the hell was wrong with me?

Yes, she was attractive.