He chuckled, looping his arm over my shoulder. “I like you, little Curran. I think you’re exactly what was needed to shake things up around here.”
Tristan growled. When I glanced at him, he was watching us, fists clenched.
“Come on,” Bennett said to Tristan. “Let’s go inside. I’ll help you clean up.”
Tristan didn’t blink. Didn’t move a muscle. “Asher,” he gritted out, eyes full of menace.
Asher stood there a moment, and I felt like I was a toy they were fighting over. I didn’t understand. Was Tristan concerned that Asher would… What? Try to seduce me?
The idea was laughable. And besides, why did Tristan even care?
“Oh, come on, Tris.” Asher didn’t remove his arm. “I’m just being friendly.”
Tristan took a step forward, before Bennett grabbed his shoulder and steered him toward the house. “Inside.” Then I thought I heard him mutter, “Before you do something foolish.”
Tristan finally, reluctantly, went inside with Bennett. I busied myself by fluffing the pillows on the outdoor sofa. Liam turned off the outdoor heater, while Asher hopped over the railing, landing in the grass with a fluid motion.
“I’m out,” he called, throwing up his hand with a peace sign. “Good to see you, LC.”
Liam nudged me. “He means you.”
I scowled at Asher in the darkness. “LC?”
“Little Curran.”
“Night.” I shook my head with a laugh and returned my attention to the pillows, straightening everything.
“How do you like living here?” Liam asked once we were alone.
“It’s, uh… Yeah. Good.” I glanced up to find Liam watching me curiously. So I added, “I love spending so much time with the kids.”
“And Tristan?”
I wasn’t entirely sure what he was getting at, so I merely nodded.
“How’s he doing?” he asked, careful to keep his voice low. “Be honest.”
I was touched by Liam’s concern for his friend. The guys may joke around, but it was obvious they cared for one another.
I blew out a breath and glanced up at the house. “He’s…okay.”
“Yet something’s bothering you,” he said.
“Just, um, it was kind of tense for a moment…” I dipped my head, embarrassed for even mentioning the disagreement between Tristan and Asher.
From everything I’d seen, Tristan always seemed very in control. Almost overly so.
Liam waved a hand through the air. “They’ll be fine. If I were Tristan, I’d be more concerned about what revenge you’d enact on me in my sleep.”
“Moi?”I placed my hand on my chest, though I was fighting a smile.
His expression softened, and he let out a heavy sigh. “I think he forgets sometimes that he’s not responsible for the entire world.”
I nodded, knowing how right Liam was. But Tristan’s comments still rankled.
My entire life, my mother thought I was immature and foolish. I’d never gotten the impression that Tristan viewed me that way. Considering he trusted me to take care of his children, I thought, well… I thought it was different.
Liam placed his hand on my shoulder. “Tristan’s protective of the people he cares about. And he cares about you.”