“Enzo.” I laughed, though I appreciated his concern. I was concerned too, even if I did think a trip to the doctor was a bit overkill. “It’s some light cramping. I’ll send her a message through the patient portal and look it up online while I wait for her to respond.”
He groaned, covering his face with his hands. “No. Just no.”
“What?” I lifted a shoulder, shutting off the water before stepping out of the shower. “Everybody does it. I can see what other moms are going through, and it’s really helpful.”
He huffed and leaned his hip against the counter. He looked decadent. That was the first word that came to mind. “My girlfriend thinks the internet is better than a medical degree. What would your father say?” He dried his face with a towel. “Actually, why don’t you text him with your symptoms and see what he says?”
I barked out a laugh. “Um, no.”
“Why not?”
“Because then he’d know we were having sex.”
Enzo chuckled, though he didn’t dispute it. In fact, he seemed to recoil from the idea as much as I had.
“Wait…” I paused while tying my robe. “Did you just refer to me as your girlfriend?”
“It sounded better than baby mama. But I’ll call you whatever you want. Maybe one day, wife.”
He didn’t wait around for my reaction, instead scooping me up and carrying me back to the bedroom. His words sent a thrill of excitement through me, but I told myself it was too fast. We were having a family together, but we shouldn’t let the fact that I was pregnant rush us into such a huge commitment.
“You know, I can walk,” I teased, though I didn’t want him to put me down.
“Maybe I want you to know that I’ve got you.”
“I know you do,” I said as he set me gently on the bed. He removed my robe, tucking me beneath the covers.
The sheets were cool and smooth against my skin, my hair wet on the pillow. And I knew that he really did have me.
He went to the other room and returned with my phone. I thanked him and messaged my doctor and tried to relax. Stressing over this wasn’t good for anyone, least of all the baby.
Then I texted Alexis and asked her if she’d ever experienced cramping during her pregnancies. Her response: totally normal. Though she did recommend checking in with my doctor to be on the safe side.
“What’d she say?” Enzo asked.
I set my phone on the nightstand. “I’m still waiting to hear back from my doctor, but Alexis said it happened to her too.”
He climbed into bed and rested his head on my chest. I massaged his scalp, mesmerized by the feel of his dark curls sliding through my fingers. I laughed, placing my hand on his chest before sliding it lower still.
He placed his hand over mine, halting my progress. “We’re not having sex until I know it won’t hurt you or the baby.”
I was touched by his concern, but my gut told me everything was fine. His dick throbbed in my hand, but still, he shook his head. He placed his hand over mine and then removed it, setting it back on his chest once more.
I pouted. “At least let me make you feel good.”
“Watching you come, hearing you scream my name, tasting your orgasm on my lips, makes me feel good.”
I climbed on top of him, straddling his erection, but he wouldn’t relent. “Nope. If you want to have sex, call your doctor tomorrow.”
I wiggled a little, but ultimately sighed and lay down next to him, resigned to the fact that he wouldn’t budge. With my head on his chest and his arm around me, I listened to his heartbeat.
“How was your day?” I asked. “Practice go well?”
“Yes. The Americans play a different type of game, and it’s a good challenge for me.”
“Different how?” I asked, wanting to know about the sport he loved.
“There’s a bigger emphasis on fitness and endurance. Plus, the Leatherbacks are a young team. Lots of energy. I think we’re going to do well when we face off against Miami.”