He tucked my hair behind my ear, and I wanted so badly to close my eyes and lean into his touch. “Ricordo tutto di te.”
I remember everything about you too. Despite how many times I’d tried to push the memories away, the simple fact remained—Enzo was unforgettable.
For a moment, I thought he was going to kiss me, but then he said, “I’ll go with you.”
“Sì. Yes. I should get to know your family since we are family now.”
“But…now?” This was all happening too fast. I wasn’t ready.
“You told me you don’t visit often, and soon, it will be impossible for me to go.” Perhaps sensing my hesitation, he glanced up at me and said, “Uccellina, per favore.” Damn him. He knew I had a weakness for when he spoke Italian.
I closed my eyes and swallowed. This was either a great idea or a terrible one. Which, I wasn’t quite sure.
I felt his breath; the air in the room shifted as he leaned in, hovering just beside my ear. “Uccellina.” I shivered at his words, his proximity. “Sei la mamma di mio figlio, prenderò cura di te.”
You are the mother of my child. And I promise to do right by you.
I wasn’t sure what he meant by that because my body was in overdrive from his scent, his almost-touch. It was maddening.
“Meeting the family is a big step,” I said, thinking he couldn’t possibly be serious.
“We’re having a baby together. It doesn’t get much bigger than that.”
“True.” I laughed to myself.
“What is it?”
“It feels as if we’ve done everything out of order.”
“There is no ‘right order,’” he said, taking my hand in his. He turned my wrist so that my bracelet was visible and stroked the skin above it with his thumb. “There is only what is right for us.”
I wanted to believe that, but my life felt so out of control at the moment, I couldn’t think straight. One minute, I was mourning a chemical pregnancy; the next, I was pregnant. Enzo and I were great; then he called me a liar.
It was as if the universe were playing a huge cosmic joke on me—constantly switching things up. It didn’t feel as if I could count on anything, and I was afraid to get my hopes up.