“Enzo is crazy about you,” Alexis said. “And everyone can see how happy he is about the baby.”
I nodded. “You’re right. I know you’re right. I’m just not used to being with someone like him.”
“What? Hot? Athletic?” Lauren teased. Most of the guys I’d dated in the past had been musicians, artists, surfers.
“No.” I rolled my eyes. “Someone who wants to take care of me.”
“Mm. Yes,” Lauren said. “I told you to find yourself a good man, and it sounds like you finally did.”
Enzo was a good man. Almost too good to be true. The concern still lurked in the back of my mind that he was only sticking around for the baby. That our relationship was founded on passion and then forged out of obligation. But I pushed it away to focus on the good.
I smiled. “I did, didn’t I?”