Page 29 of Irreplaceable


The sun warmed my skin, waves lapping in the distance. Harper was dozing beside me, her e-reader resting on the chair next to her. She looked so peaceful, and I took a moment to study her. The curve of her back as it dipped to meet her ass. The smooth, tanned skin that tempted me to run my fingers over her thighs. To part them with my hands and take what I so desperately wanted again and again and again.

I’d never felt so relaxed as I did now, resting beside the ocean with Harper. Perhaps it was the daily massages or the beautiful woman at my side, but it had been years since I’d felt so at peace. And while a big part of that unease stemmed from the loss of my dad, I was beginning to wonder if breaking up with Giada had something to do with this shift.

The past six months, there’d been an unspoken tension growing between Giada and me. As if neither of us felt fully satisfied but were unwilling to do anything about it. She’d clearly wanted more than I was able to give—marriage, children. And I’d always wanted more in the bedroom. More sex. More control. Just…more. But it had been too much for her, and I’d stopped asking long ago.

Harper seemed to have no problem with what I wanted. And every time I pushed, she gave just as good. She was still the same determined, headstrong woman I’d discovered in the dirt lane, but she also knew when to submit. To surrender control. It was fucking sexy.

My phone vibrated with a call, and I tried to ignore it. I didn’t feel like answering. I was on vacation. Well, apart from the photo shoot anyway. But that was done, and now I could unwind. I’d done some research for my foundation, Success through Soccer. I hoped to use the sport of soccer to connect with disadvantaged youth and provide them with structure and confidence. In addition to recruiting promising talent, it would give me a chance to leave a more lasting legacy. Something beyond the trophies and awards.

But right now, all I wanted to do was relax. I certainly felt relaxed after the latest round of sex with Harper, but it still wasn’t enough to quench my thirst for her.

If anything, every time I had her only made me want her even more. It defied logic.

I wasn’t sure I believed in soul mates or even love, but I certainly believed in destiny and signs. Harper had been put in my life for a reason, and maybe it was just for our paths to cross for this brief moment in time. But I wanted to think there was more to it. I wanted to think there was more to us.

But if I wanted something more than just this week, I’d have to tell her who I really was. And part of me liked that she didn’t know. Liked that I could be free to be myself, not put on a persona the world expected. A small part of me worried how she’d react if I told her the truth.

When my phone buzzed, I sighed. I was tempted to ignore it again, but when I looked at the screen, I saw several missed calls and texts from Val. I answered it hastily, not wanting to disturb Harper. I walked to the edge of the yard, the waves crashing below.

“Lorenzo,” Val said, and her tone immediately put me on edge. “You can’t keep ignoring my calls. You have no idea what’s been going on here.”

I frowned. “What is it? What’s wrong?” I braced myself for news. I knew Val wouldn’t have called so many times in a row unless something big had happened.

“Aurelio asked for a meeting.”

I jerked my head back. Despite how many years I’d been on the team, I’d rarely met with the team owner, Aurelio de Luca. The idea made my stomach clench with dread. Aurelio was a busy man, and he didn’t often take time out of his schedule to meet with players.

I glanced back at Harper, but she was still resting peacefully. Even so, I was careful to keep my voice low. “Did he say what it was about?”

“No, but I can guess. Haven’t you been online at all?”

I shook my head before remembering she couldn’t see me. “No.” And I hadn’t missed it. The scrutiny. The opinions.

“Nico didn’t tell you?”

“No. He knows not to disturb me on vacation unless it’s an emergency.”

She let out a deep sigh, and I squeezed my eyes shut, my earlier calm vanishing. I was afraid to know if this qualified as an emergency, so instead, I asked, “Should I come home early?”

“Aurelio’s out of the country for another week, maybe two. No point in cutting your trip short. For now, just…keep a low profile.”


I glanced at Harper over my shoulder but didn’t dare mention the tempting American to Val. Who was I kidding, thinking this thing with Harper could continue beyond this week? There was no way I wanted to drag her into the chaos that was my life.

* * *

“The doctor saysmy ankle is healing nicely, and I can start walking more,” Harper said, sipping some orange juice.

We had two full days left together, and it was a relief that the doctor was pleased with her progress. I had plans for us tomorrow—a surprise I hadn’t told her about. And despite the fact that we’d taken it relatively easy, I’d hoped all the sex hadn’t put too much of a strain on her ankle. Fortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case.

“Bene,” I said, turning my attention to her. “Just be careful not to push yourself too much, at least at first.”

“You sound like you have experience.” She bit off a piece of bacon.

Harper was curious by nature, but I was impressed with her restraint. Whether she knew who I was or not—and I was convinced she didn’t—she never pushed too far. She always respected my invisible need for boundaries, despite how open she was.