‘I bought it for Mia. A place to come at weekends...away from the city. I thought she might like somewhere like this.’

Ariana looked at him. ‘Mia doesn’t like water,’ she said. ‘She can’t swim and doesn’t like the sea. And she doesn’t like glacial lakes. They scare her.’

She didn’t wait for his response—because what could he have said other than that he had not troubled himself to ask her cousin what she might or might not like? But as she wandered off, wanting to see the villa from the front, she felt a shaft of sadness pick at her. How sad that Luca had wanted to please the woman he’d intended to marry and yet had had no idea that she would hate it...

Not that Mia would ever have told him.

And that was sad too...

She rounded the side of the villa, seeing the gardens that ran down to the water’s edge, terminating in a broken paved terrace and a crumbling stone balustrade. She went to stand there, gazing out over the lake. The still, dark water was, indeed, something to fear, plunging down to icy depths so far below. But she did not share her cousin’s fear of it.

She turned to survey the front of the villa, automatically itemising the work that would need doing. Inside it was probably also in need of work. She wondered what it looked like...

Luca was walking towards her. ‘Shall we go inside?’

She gave a slight nod and he led the way, opening up the house for her. Inside, a flight of stairs ascended from a marble-floored hall. Some of the steps were chipped, and the walls were papered in a dated style that continued into the reception rooms, where its impact was worsened by an ugly patterned carpet and curtains. The furniture, by contrast, was antique, of the same period as the house, and it suited the ornate rooms.

Ignoring Luca, who seemed to be leaving her to it, she made her way over the whole house. Other than the dated style there was not a great deal to do, providing the plumbing and electrics were sound. Already in her head she was seeing it asshewould do it. As if it was a commission.

When she finally re-emerged Luca was on the paved semi-circular upper terrace, and the setting sun was gilding the dark waters of the lake at the end of the garden.

‘What do you make of it?’ he asked.

She looked at him, then back at the neglected, run-down villa. ‘It could be beautiful,’ she said.

Was that wistfulness in her voice? She didn’t know. Her eyes went back to Luca. He nodded. Maybe something in his austere face lightened—she wasn’t sure. Or perhaps it was just the reflection of the setting sun.

‘So, will you make it so?’

She started. ‘Me?’

‘It’s why I brought you here,’ he said. ‘Ariana, you need a project. You’re not used to being idle. You hate Milan, and my apartment. I thought this place might suit you better. That you might be less...less unhappy here.’

She swallowed, her throat suddenly tight. To have Luca Farnese show any sign of consideration for her...

But he was speaking still. ‘I’ve talked to the obstetrician I took you to. He said...’ He stopped and she saw his face tense. ‘He said that you were showing signs of sinking into what might become depression. That would not be good for the baby.’

A stiletto slid into her lungs, puncturing them instantly.

It’s not for me—it’s just for the baby. That’s all.

She swallowed again, as if she needed air.

Luca was speaking again, his words confirming that his concern was only for their baby, not herself.

‘When we’re married, and when the baby arrives, it will be the start of summer. This would surely be a good place to be then...fresh, clean air, away from the city...’

She made no answer. It was too much for her to deal with right now. She would not be marrying him, and she would not be living here, but there was no purpose in stating that now. She had no energy for it, no will...

For now, all I can cope with is doing what he wants—not fighting him, or contesting him, or defying him.

‘So, will you take it on? Do up the villa?’

Luca’s voice penetrated her wearying ever-circling thoughts and she heard herself speak—heard the familiar professional note enter her voice. It gave her something to cling to in what had become the alien landscape of her life.

‘I can do an initial assessment for you...draw up some costings, provide some options,’ she replied slowly. She wondered why she was offering, and then let it go. It would pass the time if nothing else.

Pass the time till when? Till you leave here and go to England, or anywhere at all? Till Luca accepts you won’t marry him? Till the baby arrives...?