Page 19 of Hide and Peak

“Go ahead. It’s a bit surprising we haven’t had to do this yet.”

I open the door, and I’m immediately anxious when I see Everly standing in front of me with a bottle of tequila in one hand and a bag of limes in another.Shit. She smiles her big bright smile, completely unknowing of the nerves rushing through me.

“G, I know we were just going to meet at the bar, but I feel like it’s our first double date. Well, my first blind date, to be honest, and I need some liquid courage.” She looks behind me, spotting Bea. “Oh! Hi. I’m sorry, I should have texted you first.”

“No big deal. You can surprise me with tequila any time you want.” I signal for her to follow me inside. “I was just finishing up getting ready.”

My apartment is still in disarray between the boxes that I haven’t unpacked and all the clothes I’ve been trying on for tonight. It’s not very big, but it’s renovated, and everything is new and freshly painted. The one-bedroom loft is two levels, has an open floor plan, and overlooks Main Street. In this town, that means it’s in the heart of the hustle and bustle. My tattoo shop is just a block down to the right, so it’s convenient and just steps away from the firehouse and police station. All of which are good to have nearby, if I ever need them.

“I’m so sorry if I’m interrupting.” She walks over to Bea and extends her hand. “I’m Everly.”

“You’re stunning! My gosh, Giselle. Your taste has upgraded.” Everly starts laughing and looks over at me as I try to work through the complicated nature of this entire situation. I haven’t really discussed my sexual preferences with Everly, so this may be even more awkward.

“Oh no, I’m not her girl tonight. She and I are doubling. With who? Were they construction guys from your shop?”

I nod. “Contractors. Brothers, I think.”

“Lucky guys, you girls are gorgeous. I’m Giselle’s Aunt Bea.” My eyes widen at her.Aunt?I’ll go with it, but a heads-up would have been helpful. I also cringe that I’m spouting another lie to Everly. I like the idea of having a real friend. Someone who I can connect with, where my lies are limited.

“Oh my gosh! G, you didn’t tell me you had family visiting. It’s so nice to meet you.” Everly leans in and hugs her. Bea isn’t sure what to do with that at first. Bea tends to be a little rough around the edges. Minimal touching.

“Yeah, well, I’m on my way out anyway. I was just passing through. I wanted to see that Giselle was settled in her new apartment. I have to get back. Work is always calling.” Bea pulls out her cigarette case and taps one as she walks to my door. She leans in for a hug, which I’m not expecting, but I welcome it nonetheless. “Be good, kid.”

“See you soon, Bea.” I smile at my handler. And though she’s not really my aunt, she’s the closest thing I have to family these days.

As soon as Bea shuts the door, I grab the tequila and bag of limes from Everly’s hands and plop them on the counter. I start looking through a box in the corner for some shot glasses. I have a few somewhere.

I smile as I remove the clear plastic from the rounded top. “You brought the good tequila. Thank goodness.”

She stares at me, a little worry painted between her perfectly curated eyebrows. “I’m sorry. I really should have called first.”

I shrug my shoulders at her, passing it off as no big deal. I’m not used to having anyone interrupt my meetings with Bea, so it’s a first for me. But I love that I have someone to worry about interrupting now.

After cutting a lime, I pour two shot glasses of tequila, and pass one along to my friend.

“Cheers. Here’s hoping the big dick energy I’m getting from these guys isn’t just a bluff.” I raise the glass higher. “May their swagger support a gagger.” We toss them back, Everly coughing and then laughing.

“You’re going to get me in trouble. I just know it.”

“My darling Ev, a little bit of trouble is exactly what we need.”



Trouble just walkedinto the bar with my sister on one arm and a pink sparkling wand in the other.

Law lets out a barking laugh at the spectacle. “Why is our sister wearing a feather boa, and her sexy-ass friend throwing glitter on people?”

I open my mouth to respond, but then take in the sight, and all words escape me. This is the kind of bar that tends to be more of a dive than a tourist trap. Glitter and feathers aren’t the usual vibe, but I watch the men lean away from the bar to look at the two women who are about to break all of those unwritten rules. It’s clear that if G glitter bombs any of these guys, they’ll revel in it. I know I would.

Summer nights in Strutt’s Peak are limited and coveted, so when it finally comes around, you can take roll call at just about any restaurant or bar in town. Tonight is no different. Every place we went was packed, and this is our last stop.

Any time I came back from college, and then from training, the summertime was what got me out of my funk. The easiness of the days that led into late nights with women, betting on yard games with friends, and outdoor sports—anything that meant competing with my brothers. Everly was always not far behind in the competition too. Summer has always been my favorite time. Even now, while winter is my peak season at work, summers are for planning, even relaxing. Like tonight was meant to be. So when Law demanded that I go out with him and Michael, it was easy to say yes. I didn’t need to check in with a partner, work wasn’t demanding too much attention, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping I’d seeherout.

Now as I watch the blonde who has been on my mind parade around the bar, gaining the attention of every man and woman, I almost regret coming. I know I’m not going to be able to stay away. Quietly observing is going to be a bigger challenge than I had thought. But, I do love a good challenge.

Michael clears his throat. “So I think I want to build out the climbing program. There’s a ton of high schoolers that are always asking for more hiking time when I’m home, and I’m realizing we’re missing out.”