I grin down at her, triumph roaring in my chest. “Not to worry, lass. Yer secret’s safe with me.”
Her eyes widen, her voice breathy and barely above a whisper. “Oh my God. You like the idea! You like that I’m a fucking virgin, all untouched apart from your finger and your mouth!”
Jesus fuck, I do. I really fucking do.
Ronan is grinning at me like all his Christmases have come at once. I can see it in his eyes; helovesthat no one has touched me between my thighs except him.
There’s a proprietary,hungrylook there. Shit. I’m officially fucked. I thought Ronan was pushing hard not to have me as a stripperbefore. I haven’t got a snowflake's chance in hell now. I’m going to have to find another club to dance at. But the very idea has me fighting back a shudder.
Not all clubs will let you dance for them without sleeping with someone there first. Not all clubs will let you strip without expecting you to be a teeny tiny bit of a prostitute if the money offered is good enough.
Not all clubs will let you keep up to one hundred percent of the tips you earn. There arenoother clubs in town that would offer me the right kind of protection working for the Irish has given me while also letting me remain a virgin. Not one.
Besides, I’m a fuckingidiotif I think Ronan is ever letting me go now that he’s figured out my little secret. If I thought he was pursuing me hard before, it’s about to get claustrophobic.And youlovethe idea, the little voice in my head whispers.Youlovethe way his eyes watch you, drink you in.Youlovethat he can’t stay away from you, that he would do anything for you.
I do. I fuckingdo. That’s how I know anything happening between us is such a wicked bad idea.
I do the only thing that makes sense right now. I shove at Ronan’s chest, and when he doesn’t budge, I reach up to tug his head down, his lips meeting mine. Moaning into his mouth as his tongue dances in and curls behind my teeth, I let him kiss me senseless and shove him away again.
Again, he doesn’t move, so I tuck my chin to my chest, my shoulders sagging in defeat.
“I want to go home.”
I can hear how small my voice is, and I fuckinghateit. Instantly, Ronan’s body disappears, his fingers circling my upper arm.
“I’ll drive ye,leannán,” he says quietly, gravelly with need.
Nodding, I lead him into the dressing room, avoiding every gaze as I quickly pull jeans and a T-shirt over my teddy. I don’t want to strip in front of Ronan right now. It would feel cheap after what we just did out in the lap dance cubicle.
Ronan holds my purse, his hand on my back, guiding me out of the club and into the staff parking lot. He opens the SUV door, his hands soft and firm on my waist as he lifts me, setting me inside. I don’t move, letting him reach across me, clipping my belt and pressing a quick kiss to my collarbone.
The door shuts gently, and I drink in the sight of him rounding the hood. But that’s all I allow myself, staring determinedly at my knees as he opens his door and slides in.
Ronan doesn’t speak the entire car ride to Roxbury, but he’s tense as all get out. I glance over at him more than once. His hands are gripping the steering wheel, and his eyes are darting around the streets like he’s expecting to be ambushed at any moment. Did he act like this last time? When he drove me home from Mellie’s? He was tense, but he was annoyed at my going home when I hadn’t fully healed. Wasn’t it?
Finally, my curiosity gets the better of me, but I can’t help but wrap it up in snark since that’s my go-to defense mechanism.
“Is the big bad Mafioso scared of little old Roxbury?” I tease him, quirking an eyebrow.
His mouth turns down as his eyes dart over at me, but he looks away quickly to keep up his watchful driving.
“Ye should move closer to the club….”
I blink at him. I remember Mellie giggling that Niall fucked her for the first time and moved her into his apartment in West Boston the same night. Well, fuck that shit. Ronan can fucking think again.
“I like where I live. I don’t want to move.”
A growl rumbles out of him. I blink. Control issues, much?
His teeth are clenched, his words gritted out. “Ye work for us. Ye should live in a territory we control. We can’t protect ye out here. Not properly.”
Uh, what? Where is this coming from?
“I thought that you lot had an alliance with the Russians?”
He grips the steering wheel harder. “We do. But alliances can be broken. They can be strained. Have ye not fucking noticed the Italians getting bolder these days?”