Page 18 of Bad at Heart

“Lass. Ye need to tell me.”

I’m going to stab his hand with my fork as soon as I can close my hand around it to make a fist. He better watch himself.

Turning, I stare Ronan dead in the eye where he is leaning in, inches from me. A smirk plays across my lips, and I close the distance, brushing a kiss over his. His breathing hitches, and I sit back.

“That’s never going to happen.”

Going back to poking at my eggs, I catch Mellie’s waggling eyebrows and smirk. I glare at her, but at least I have bought myself some time with Ronan. He is sufficiently distracted by my kiss, staring hungrily at my mouth as he watches me eat. I hope the distraction lasts.

Mellie hurries to clear my plate as I stand and walk over to the couch, sinking onto it and staring at the gorgeous view. Ronan drops down beside me, and I bite back a sigh. He doesn’t immediately speak, plucking up my hand and turning it over in his.

He opens his mouth, but I cut him off. The best defense is a good offense, after all. “Do you have a view as nice as this one?”

Ronan frowns, turning his eyes to Boston, spread out before us. “I live five minutes away. I’m on a lower floor, but I like my view. If ye tell me who did this, I’ll show it to you.”

As intrigued as I am to see if he also lives in a glorious white cloud of a condo, his plan isn’t going to work. My secrets aren’t worth a view that might not be as good as this one. Hell, my secrets aren’t worththisview because they’remine.

My lips press together, and Ronan sighs, turning to Mellie as she approaches. She holds out my cream. I reach for it, but Ronan gets there first, plucking it off her and carefully applying it to my hands. My heart clenches at how gentle he is. Why can’t it be like this all the time?

I catch myself, turning my eyes away from Ronan’s face and back to the view. It can’t be like this all the time because otherwise, I would fall in love with him, which isn’t an option. Not even close to one.

Screwing the cap back on the cream, Ronan sets it down on the tube on the coffee table.

“I’m going to the grocery store. Does anyone need anything? Fi?” Mellie is hovering by the door, her purse and keys in her hand.

“No. Thanks, Mellie,” I call back.

“No, lass.”

The door closes behind her, and Ronan drops his arm around my shoulders, holding me against his side as he cradles my hands in his lap.

“I know ye’re a private person,leannán, but ye need to tell me.”

I open my mouth to tell him to leave it, but he cuts me off. “It’s not just about ye,leannán. Someone managed to get an envelope of powder into the club without us noticing. That’s a major security breach.”

I snort, moving my hands back to my lap. “It was a prank. But, by all means, start screening Oracle’s mail for anthrax.”

Ronan plucks my hands back up, placing them back on his thigh.

“What if another lass opened it? Someone else could have been hurt,leannán.”

Rolling my eyes, I stand, crossing and dropping into the comfortable, easy chair. There’s no space for Ronan here.

“Then they would have deserved what they got for being a slampig who opened a sealed envelope with my name on it. Snooping bitches.”

He shakes his head, but I catch the smile he’s trying to hide. Ronan agrees with me, but he can’t say it. Otherwise, it would undermine his whole guilt trip.

“Besides, someone else might not have had such a bad reaction. Maybe it would have irritated them, but I don’t thinkthisis a common reaction.”

It was supposed to be my argument ending point, but it backfires. Ronan’s head snaps up, his gaze lingering on my hands and moving up to my face.

“So, it’s not a common reaction. The person who sent it to ye knows ye pretty well.”

Shit. I need to play this off. Rolling my eyes again, I stand, shooting him a look.

“No shit, Sherlock. Who pranks a random stranger like that?”

“Where are ye going,leannán?” Ronan calls as I stride back to the bedroom.