“Those sounds,” I groan, finally allowing myself to move again. “Those fucking sounds. I’m addicted to them.”
Her body shudders against mine, and I grab her hips with both hands, bringing her down hard on my cock as I fuck up into her, letting go as the need to come becomes undeniable. When I explode inside her, she buries her face against my shoulder, sobbing breathlessly as I fill her up.
Our breaths start to sync up in the aftermath of our pleasure, and I can feel myself gaining control over my demon form, my human side slowly gaining dominance back. The gray skin fades away as my wings disappear. Sophia lifts her head, and as I watch her study the process with fascination, I can’t help grinning.
“I like fucking you in that form,” I murmur. “You take me so well.”
“I like fucking you inanyform,” she whispers back, trailing her fingers over the spot on my back where my wings protruded from only moments ago. “Human or demon form, you’re still mine.”
The possessive note in her voice sends satisfaction blazing through me, and I kiss her soundly before pulling back to arch a brow at her.
“It seems we’ve made a mess again,” I note.
She laughs softly, clinging to me like a monkey as I carry her right back to the bathroom, not even bothering to set her down on the bed first. When we get back to the tub, I start filling it up in the same way I did earlier, and then step in with her in my arms. It’s a repetitive, relaxing ritual that I would gladly preform with Sophia daily.
With her, even the most mundane things become magical.
I’ve never exactly beena “bath girl,” but I might be changing my stance on that. The water is warm, welcoming, and exactly what I need. I could stay here forever.
Lucifer’s body is firm against mine, his strong arms wrapped securely around me, and despite our passionate reunion, he’s still half-hard against my ass. If I wasn’t so pleasantly spent and marked with the evidence of his attention, I would be convinced that I’m dreaming again. I press a little closer to him, reassuring all of my senses that he really is here, with me, around me. That for the moment, I’m safe.
He’s doing the same, reassuring himself that I’m here. His hands are wandering possessively over me, groping my breasts, stroking my thighs and belly, holding my hips against him. My heart beats harder as the words I’ve been dying to say press against my throat. To be vulnerable in Hell, even with the devil himself wrapped around me, is a terrifying thing.
“I missed you,” I whisper. “I’m so glad you came for me.”
He kisses me, claiming and reassuring me all at once. “I’ll always come for you.”
His eyes flash with the strength of his promise, and I instinctively believe him. How could I not? The intensity of his words, his tone, his face, leave no room for doubt. He’ll always come for me.Always.It’s a little scary to be the focus of an oath like that, but it’s also awe-inspiring. A powerful, pleasant ache fills my heart with unbearable sweetness. To be worth so much to one so wealthy—it’s dizzying.
I settle against him, sighing. Somewhere down below us, I know the screams and chaos are still going on, and will forever ring through the halls of this palace. The palace is so big that I’m not sure I’ve even seen the external walls yet, so ornate that just looking at the molding for too long will give me a headache.
While my body is relaxed in Lucifer’s embrace, but what of my mind? When I go to sleep, will the nightmares return, or will his presence drive them away? Lucifer gently takes my hand in his, stilling my fidgety fingers. “You’re troubled,” he murmurs.
“I’m terrified,” I correct him. “I’m out of that cell, which is better than being in it, but I’m still in Hell. I’m a human, in Hell. Do you know how many stories there are warning humans about Hell? Thousands. All of them have different ideas on how to avoid ending up here, but none of them tell you what to do once you’re here.”
I shiver, although the water’s still warm, and Lucifer holds me close. “I didn’t even know this place actually existed until you told me,” I tell him. “And now I’m here, and it’s all real, and now I’m stuck here, and I’m… petrified.”
I feel his protectiveness curl around me like an armored blanket. “You’re right to be frightened,” he admits huskily.
Somehow hearing him say that only doubles my fear, makes it sharper.
“The court of Hell can be vicious,” he continues. “Dangerous, even to other demons. Manipulative games are standard, and anyone could be waiting to stab you in the back. Look at me, Sophia.” I look up into his eyes and nearly lose myself in their depths. His words bring me sharply back. “Trust no one.”
He looks into my eyes for a long moment before kissing me softly. Eventually we disentangle ourselves and climb out of the tub, drying ourselves on the fluffy towels which seem to go on forever. After a moment, there’s a slight shift in the air, as if a door opened and closed without making a sound. Soon after, the click-click of hard, light footsteps, like a two-legged goat with people manners, reaches my ears. My heart leaps into my throat and I look wide-eyed at Lucifer.
“Someone’s here,” I whisper.
Lucifer frowns. “I thought he might do that,” he mutters. “It’s all right, Sophia, it’s just—”
“Your attendant, mistress,” a little voice calls from the other side of the bathroom archway. “Come to dress you for dinner.”
“Mistress?” I mouth to Lucifer.
His eyes glitter. “Not like that.”