Page 74 of Swear on My Life

“Yeah, that’s why I haven’t told him.” I hug her once more.

“It’s going to be a hard conversation to have.” Moving toward the door, she says, “Hey, what are you getting up to this weekend? Will I see you?”

“Probably not. I have to work two events tomorrow—a ladies who brunch and kids’ afternoon tea—at the country club, naturally. You?”

“I work a double tomorrow, so I’ll probably come home and crash.”

Tucking some hair behind my ear, I lean against the counter. “We might cross paths. I’ll be back to change for dinner. We’re going out with Harbor’s parents. First time,” I singsong the last part.

“That’s a big step.”

“So was sex,” I say, and do a little spin. “But look at me now.”

“Gorgeous,dah-ling,” she says in her best uppity accent. Opening the door, she stops to add, “I’m happy for you, Lark.”


The door closes. I don’t rush for my room or text Harbor. I stand there a minute and look around. I’m so glad we made up and didn’t drag it out, but change is still in the air. I can feel it.

* * *

“How did it go?”Harbor takes my overnight bag and loads it into the trunk next to my backpack. I have a feeling we’ll be spending more time at the apartment now that we’ve christened it.

“All is well again.” I smile, moving around the car to the passenger’s side.

“Good. I know she’s important to you. I’m glad the two of you could work through it.” He starts the car and shifts into drive. Reaching over, he takes hold of my hand, brings it to his mouth, and kisses it. “I have bad news. My parents need to reschedule. My dad had to leave town for the city, something about Loch and his team calling a meeting in the morning.”

I’m disappointed I won’t get to have dinner with his mom and dad, but I get it. Stuff comes up. “Hope everything’s all right.”

“I’m sure it is or my mom would have told me. She sends her apologies.”

“Tell her not to worry about it.”

He rests our entwined hands on my lap. “I already did, so that means it’s just the two of us tomorrow night. What about watching one of your favorite movies at my place? We can order dinner in.”

My weekend just got so much better.

* * *

Dane eyesme like I did something wrong. “How’d you get here?”

“Hello to you, too,” I reply with an edge of irritation that he’s putting his bad mood on me. I pull of tray of mini chocolate croissants from the rack and prepare them for the oven.

“That’s it?” he asks, leaning across the counter. “I waited at your house for like ten minutes.”

Shifting the croissants so they’re all angled the same way, I keep my eyes on the task at hand. “I appreciate that, but we didn’t have a plan, Dane. I’m sorry that wires got crossed. I’ll make sure to text you next time I need a ride.”

“Oh, that’s right. You have a boyfriend now, so you don’t need friends.”Low blow.

I look at him across the metal table and then rest my hands on the cold surface to help me keep my cool. “I do need friends. My friends are important to me. Amanda and I have worked out our differences, and we’re moving forward. I didn’t know you had such a problem with me having a life.”

“When I get blown off, I do.”

“Let’s be clear here. You and I haven’t hung out outside of work in a long time. Might even have been when you started dating Mia, so don’t come at me like I’m the sole person to blame for the downfall.”

Larry pushes through the door and comes to stand beside the rack. He looks at us and then says, “Get out there and start setting up the bar. Those ladies can drink.”

Dane pushes through the door with attitude, leaving Larry and me standing there alone. He asks, “You good?”