Page 5 of Swear on My Life

“All the time. See you around, Harbor.” She gives me a little wave before she disappears around the corner.

I could chase her down and ask for her number, but two rejections from the same girl is enough for one day. I pull my keys from my pocket and spin the ring around my finger. Anyway, she’s right. It is more fun this way. Just wait until she sees me on Monday.

I walk to my pride and joy—my Ghibli Modena—and open the car door. I don’t have time to get in fully before Marina asks, “What took you so long? I thought I was going to die of thirst while waiting.”

“I didn’t think you’d notice since your eyes are always glued to that screen.”

“Okay, Dad,” she says in a deep mocking voice.

Handing over the soda, I look at her, knowing one day, if she hasn’t already, she’ll face assholes who will treat her like that guy in there. That’s not a conversation to have now, but one we need to have soon. “Don’t ever go to this station.”

She looks up briefly, her eyes looking at the building behind me. “Ew. I wouldn’t anyway.”Good.“I don’t even know where we are.”

It’s true, this isn’t my usual store or gas station, but it’s close to downtown, so I made the detour. I reach over to ruffle my little sister’s hair, but she blocks me. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

“Thanks,” she replies, pushing my hand away. “Long line?”

“Yeah,” I lie, knowing firsthand that sixteen-year-old girls can be ruthless when it suits them.

I start the Maserati, acting as casually as I can. We don’t even hit the street before she asks, “Did you at least get her number?”

The last thing my sister needs to hear about is how I hit on a woman with great legs, an even better ass, and a mouth I wouldn’t mind occupying for a night.And then got rejected.“You saw that?”

She’s at least polite enough to keep her laughter under wraps . . .until she can’t.

“Everyone saw it.”

“I didn’t ask for it.”Not a lie.

Her phone is now the least interesting thing in the car when she angles toward me. “Why not? It seems a shame to let all that flirting go to waste.”

“Eh,” I say, “I think I’ll leave it to the fates to decide.”

“If the fates have their way, you just met your soul mate.”

Surprised to hear the seriousness in her tone, I glance over at my sister. “Why do you say that?”

“Because you weren’t the only one flirting.”

I return my gaze to the drive ahead, but there’s no stopping the stupid grin on my face. I’m not sure about anything when it comes to the gorgeous girl I just encountered, but she’s got me thinking about her and this main character business.

I may not believe in fate, but I believe in myself. Wonder what it takes to be the hero of her story?


Lark Summerlin

My white shirtcould have used one more pass with an iron, but it’s too late to worry. My skirt was in desperate need of more attention than I had to give it since I was late getting home. I can only hope Larry is too busy to notice when I get to work.

I step back from the mirror and brush my hands down the black fabric, still annoyed by the one crease down the center I couldn’t iron out, but I let it slide under the good day I’ve had so far. The cute guy was a nice distraction, even if he made me run late.

The skirt will probably wrinkle again in the car anyway. Larry will bitch about it, but then he’ll be too busy to care five minutes into the job.

Not that I’m upset about the encounter I had at the gas station. I’m not someone who flirts that often, but the minute Harbor walked in, I thought about it. I’m weak to a cute smile, and he had a great body.

It might be unfair to lump him in with the guys I’ve met before, but they taught me someone that attractive loses interest easily. Giving him a hard time was a good test that he passed. Bonus: I got to enjoy his attention while I had it.

I laugh, remembering the meet cute conversation. It’s ridiculous to think I’m going to meet my soul mate at a gas station. Something like that could happen in the movies that I love to watch or in the books I read, but not in real life.