Page 20 of Swear on My Life

Harbor’s surprise matches mine. He asks, “You know cars?”

I start to laugh when my dad shakes his head. “Yeah, I know cars.” He finally directs his gaze on me. Since the engine is rumbling, he shifts the old Ford truck into gear. “Next time, text me, Pip. I’ll come get you.”

“I will. Sorry for worrying you.”

My dad looks at Harbor one more time. “Thanks for making sure she got home safely.”

“My pleasure.” He receives a glare for that. Harbor is quick to add, “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Summerlin.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” Pushing the gas, he pulls away from the curb, leaving the two of us alone again and standing in awkward silence.

When the taillights disappear down the street, Harbor turns to me, and says, “That was fun.”

I burst out laughing, but I feel my cheeks heat. “That was mortifying.”

Gently knocking his elbow into my, he grins. “Nothing to be mortified about. You met my mom. Now I’ve met your dad. All seems right to me.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I quirk an eyebrow at him this time. “How’d you land on that?”

“I’m just saying that things are happening. Maybe faster than usual, but I don’t think you can deny destiny or the chemistry.”

Now both eyebrows shoot straight up to the sky. “Chemistry?”

Leaning closer, he whispers, “Don’t you feel it?”

I definitely feel it.

“I’m . . .” It’s not just my cheeks heating anymore. His words warm my chest like a hug. A little flustered, I take a step back in a bad attempt to clear the thoughts that have me wondering what it would be like to kiss him that are presently running rampant. When he pushes the strands of hair that had fallen in my eyes away from my face, a shiver runs up my spine. “I’m cold and should probably go in.”

I start walking up the sidewalk but stop and turn back when I realize he’s not next to me. “Hey, Westcott?”

“What’s up, Summerlin?”

“You coming?” I smile with a nod toward the house and then head for the door.

I hear the hurried steps behind me. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

Using the house key, I unlock the main door and then have him follow me to the door leading to Amanda’s and my apartment. “We’re over here.”

Leaning against the wall while I unlock our door, he asks, “We?”

“My roommate and I live here. My best friend, Amanda.”

“Ah.” I unlock the door and open it wide, silently inviting him in. “It’s nice in here. Which apartment is yours?”

“Over here. This apartment was a good find, affordable and close enough to campus.” I laugh to myself about the surprise visit from my dad. “It’s also only about five blocks from my dad.”

Harbor walks in and stops in the living room. “Nice guy.”

I shut the door and lean against it. “Tell me the truth.”

He chuckles. “I’m not easily intimidated.” Rubbing over a shadow of scruff on his jaw, he adds, “But he does a good job.”

Pushing off the wood door, I take the coffee from him and then drop my keys in the bowl on the small kitchen bar. “He tries.”

“Does he come by often?” Harbor’s presence fills the space. This place would be too small to ever adequately house a guy of his stature, his shoulders that appear broader in this small apartment, and standing at a height that has him caged in by the ceiling.

“Not that often.” Moving around into the kitchen, I set the small bag of coffee and the box of pumpkin spice next to the coffee maker on the counter. “Thank you again for the coffee. You really didn’t have to do that.”